Most samba error 255 related news are at:

Flor de mate para Maddog en sus 63 pirulines 9 Aug 2013 | 12:23 am
Many years ago, in the early days of Linux, I traveled to Uruguay to meet with the Uruguay Linux Users Group. I was given an official badge for the group, with member number "0" (because all good prog...
error al conectar cliente openvpn centos 6.4 1 Aug 2013 | 06:08 am
hola colega instale openvpn en centos 6.4 la instalacion no me dio problema, lo que me esta dando problema en el cliente al momento de crearlo instalo sus paquete en el cliente perfectamente pero cuan...
More samba error 255 related news:
Error: Missing Dependency: perl(Convert::ASN1) is needed by package samba 2 Apr 2010 | 08:13 am
Error root@server276 [~]# yum -y install samba samba-client samba-common Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * addons: * base: mirror.t...
Subversion & Samba – “Error bumping revisions post-commit” 22 May 2009 | 02:56 pm
I ran across some odd Subversion / Samba errors lately. It seemed whenever we added an image or non-text file to the repository, we were getting the error: Commit succeeded, but other errors follow: ...
Rsync/Crontab (grandchild failed with exit status 255) 25 Sep 2010 | 02:59 am
It seems that when you run rsync over ssh using crontab to automate your backup jobs, the crontab will not run and will fail with the following error in the logs: “grandchild # failed with exit status...
Enkripsi 17 May 2008 | 04:55 pm
Function EncDec(inData As Variant, Optional inPW As Variant = “”) As Variant On Error Resume Next Dim arrSBox(0 To 255) As Integer Dim arrPW(0 To 255) As Integer Dim Bi As Inte...
MySQL 的 max key length 2 Mar 2012 | 07:18 am
我曾試著在 MYISAM 格式的 table 裡,把兩個 VARCHAR(255),UTF8 編碼的欄位設定成一組 UNIQUE KEY。 當時遇到這個 Error: #1071 - Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes VARCHAR(255) 代表該欄位可以紀錄 255 個字元,每個字元以 UTF8 encode...
Excluding Packages from Yum Update 9 May 2011 | 02:00 pm
When running a ‘yum update’ under CentOS, there are certain packages you may be running which you wish to remain static, or which can potentially cause errors with the update eg. Samba. In these situ...
MS Exchange on Samba4 ;-) 29 May 2013 | 06:07 pm
One of my students tried to install Microsoft Exchange 2010 on Samba 4. The error is hilarious: "The operating system version of the domain controller is 4.0.6. The minimum version required is 5.2"
Denegación de servicio en Samba 26 Aug 2013 | 04:10 pm
Jeremy Allison, trabajador de Google y colaborador del proyecto Samba, ha descubierto un error de desbordamiento de entero en Samba que permite ocasionar una denegación de servicio a través de una pet...
openSUSE Dolphin brower gives error “Unable to find any workgroups in your local network. This might be cause by an enabled firewall.” 20 Jul 2013 | 11:39 am
To solve this: Open up YaST > Network Services > Samba Server. Go to the “Identity” tab, and make sure the Workgroup is set correctly, and set Domain Controller to “Not a DC.” Related posts: Erro.....
SCP fails with exit code 255 25 Jul 2013 | 12:59 pm
Hi, Anyone has seen such error when running scp (mindterm client) ? debug[4980870]: 23/07/2013 16:04:26:927 SecShFastPathChannel/secsh_fastpath_channel.c:1996/ssh_secsh_channel_flush_output_queue: Fl...