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Wie aktualisiert man am besten die Treiber seines XP Home? 24 Aug 2013 | 06:12 am
Frage von Xenia: Kann man das irgendwo auf einer Liste einsehen? Vielen Dank Beste Antwort auf die Frage: “Wie aktualisiert man am besten die Treiber seines XP Home?” Answer by wuzy39 Treiber aktu...
kann ich mit meiner win xp cd ein aderen xp-rechner neu installieren? 19 Aug 2013 | 12:11 am
vistue5 fragt: habe eine win xp cd für einen rechner bei mir zu hause; ein kumpel will sein xp neu “aufsetzen”; da schon sehr “müllreich”; die xp cd war aber bei seinem pc kauf nicht dabei; kann ich ...
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[比較] 拍攝相片比較 : HTC One X vs Samsung Galaxy S2 7 Apr 2012 | 08:47 pm
HTC One X 其中一項主打係Amazing Camera,咁當然要試吓佢有幾 Amazing 啦!我手頭上得太太部 GS2, 就搵佢嚟比較啦。GS2話哂都叫做機黃皇吖,搵佢嚟比較都好合情合理。 我用左半日部One X嚟影相,發覺會好容易習慣性用個連拍功能,一影野(特別係影小朋友)嘅時候就係咁咔嚓、咔嚓、咔嚓係咁影,完全停唔到落嚟,好似鬼上身咁。好在佢有個“最佳畫面“功能,當你影完之後揀最靚嗰...
Compare HTC Sensation and Samsung Galaxy S2 23 Jun 2011 | 08:35 pm
HTC prefaced their new Android Smartphone HTC Sensation in India, a week after the launch of Samsung Galaxy S2. Now the question is-which one you like better. At a glance, both look the same; “1.2GHZ ...
iOttie Windshield Dashboard Car Mount Holder for iPhone 4S 4 3GS Samsung Galaxy S2 Epic Touch 4G HTC EVO 4G Rhyme DROID RAZR BIONIC INCREDIBLE 2 CHARG... 4 May 2012 | 12:00 pm
Overall Rating: Total Customer Reviews: (298) Sale Price: $13.99 Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours IOttie “Easy-Flex” car mount holder is designed with functionality as the main focus. iOtti...
Cable Matters Micro USB to HDMI MHL Adapter for Samsung Galaxy S2, Samsung Infuse 4G, HTC Evo 3D, HTC Flyer Tablet, HTC Sensation Phone 21 Jan 2012 | 03:43 am
Cable Matters Micro USB to HDMI MHL Adapter for Samsung Galaxy S2, Samsung Infuse 4G, HTC Evo 3D, HTC Flyer Tablet, HTC Sensation Phone MHL Adapter allows you to connect a Micro USB (5 Pin) port to a...
Buy Samsung Galaxy Note SGH-1717 $320/Samsung Galaxy S2 $280/BB Bold 9900/Nokia 808 30 May 2012 | 09:54 am
CHACELEY STORE LIMITED® NOW OFFER A ANNUAL SALE!!! We are dealers of all kinds of Mobile Phones Such as Apple Iphone, Blackberry, Nokia, Samsung, HTC, Sony Ericsson and many more. All our products ar...
Indshield Dashboard Car Mount Holder 14 Jan 2012 | 07:57 pm
Duogreen Windshield Dashboard Car Mount Holder for iPhone 4S 4 3GS Samsung Galaxy S2 Epic Touch 4G HTC EVO 4G Rhyme DROID RAZR BIONIC INCREDIBLE 2 CHARGE Google Nexus BlackBerry Torch LG Revolution GP...
Slim Profile Puts The Samsung Galaxy S2 Ahead Of The HTC Desire S 23 May 2011 | 01:56 pm
In 2010 there were two mobile phones that really captured the imagination of the public. The Samsung Galaxy S proved immensly popular for the brand and sales figures reached 7 figures just a few month...
[開箱] 會已轉!今次係 HTC One X! 7 Apr 2012 | 05:45 am
用左部 Samsung Galaxy S2 9個月左右,機本上部機冇咩問題,要做嘅野都做到哂(你見一街都係 GS2 同 Note 就知啦!)。咁點解要換機呢?一個字,貪心!就係貪新鮮同埋貪個Monster耳機,一來用得耐Samsung 部機覺得悶悶地,二來三星部部機都差唔多樣,只係呎吋大少唔同咁解啫,咁當我見到部 HTC One X 再望望自己手上部 GS2,就即刻有換機嘅衝動嘞!另外訂個什麼尊上...
YOOBAO 6600MaH External Charger FULL 4-5 Times 18 May 2012 | 08:31 pm
Yoobao 6600MaH powerbank! READY STOCK Full Charge your phone 4-5 times! support, iphone 4s, 4, ipad, 2, samsung galaxy s2, note, young, wild, htc one x, evo 3d, SENSATION XE, nokia n9, n8, lumia...
HTC Sensation vs iPhone 4 vs Samsung Galaxy S2 7 May 2011 | 06:57 am
Would we care about Android if it weren’t for HTC? Perhaps not. The HTC Desire was an early poster boy for Android, a genuinely great design that squared up to Apple’s all-conquering iPhone and sugges...