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Inilah buah dapat menurunkan resiko stroke 19 Sep 2011 | 02:24 pm
Anda pernah mendengar bahwa makan sebuah apel sehari membuat dokter pergi. Ternyata, hal itu bisa menjaga diri stroke juga. Penelitian baru yang diterbitkan dalam Stroke: Journal of American Heart As...
Sejarah Internet 15 Sep 2011 | 12:19 am
Sejarah internet bermula pada tahun 1957 Dephan AS (DoD = Departement of Defense) membentuk ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency) sebagai tanggapan terhadap peluncuran Sputnik-nya Uni Sovyet. ARPA ...
More search engine baru related news:
Cara mendaftar blog ke blekko search engine baru pesaing google 10 Apr 2012 | 08:50 pm
Search Engine Baru alternatif , 2 Nov 2010 | 11:16 pm — Search engine atau mesin pencari mulai dirilis dalam versi beta pada hari ini. Kehadirannya menjadi layanan alternatif selain Bing dan Google. Proyek ini disokong dengan pendan...
Kumpulan E-book Di Situs Gratis 18 Mar 2008 | 08:28 pm
Trik Memperoleh rangking satu di Search Engine Baru Daftar Ribuan Milis Yahoogroups Indonesia Baru
Scour - Search Engine yang menjanjikan pembayaran kepada para pemakainya 9 May 2009 | 07:31 pm
Scour adalah search engine baru yang menawarkan keuntungan pagi para anggotanya. Apa saja yang ditawarkan ? Ada tiga hal penting yang ditawarkan oleh search engine ini yaitu: Pencarian yang cepat dan ...
Channel NewsAsia SPECIAL Feature: PurpleClick Media on Clickability 16 Nov 2011 | 08:35 pm
PurpleClick (3 years running Top Digital and Search Agency, First and Only appointed by Google, Yahoo and Baidu in SEA) shares on Online Marketing, Internet Advertising, Search Engine Marketing, Searc...
Are your search engine optimization efforts really optimized? 17 Sep 2011 | 05:54 am
Over the years, I have met with and consulted many marketers and business owners both large and small who are interested in search. They have heard about it, or have been told this is something they s...
Quick Search Indexing Tool 23 Feb 2012 | 06:15 am
A Free tool that will get your sites indexed by major search engines in no time.
URL rewriting technology - Static pages on your website 21 Mar 2008 | 03:36 am
Static URLs are very important to achieve best possible search engine positioning and to increase web site performance. Article comments main difference between static and dynamic page names (URLs) a...
Excel Document Scanning With Zend_Search_Lucene 11 May 2009 | 09:25 pm
Zend_Search_Lucene offers some powerful document scanning capabilities, and there are a few different formats that are useful for the search engine to index. To allow the indexing and searching of Ex...
How Web Hosting plays an important role in Search Engine Optimization? 7 May 2012 | 07:34 pm
Well, Web Hosting is one of the factors which are beneficial for Search Engine Optimization. It may help you different ways such as 1. IP Address Class 2. Downtime 3. Website Speed Now, I...