Most server 2008 turn off uac related news are at:

Amazon SES and Easy DKIM 19 Jul 2012 | 02:41 pm
I've been using Amazon's Simple Email Service (SES) for at about a year now and it's been great. Failures are very rare and the API and libraries provided are excellent. With SES you build up trust wh...
Ad Management services versus doing it yourself 28 Jun 2012 | 07:55 am
Should you use an advertising management solution such as DFP Small Business or do it yourself? (DFP stands for DoubleClick For Publishers. DoubleClick was bought by Google in March 2008 for $3.1 bil...
More server 2008 turn off uac related news:
How to create an autonomous transaction in SQL Server 2008 19 Dec 2011 | 09:59 pm
I have been asked by many customers and partners,especially those migrating from Oracle, this question: how to create an autonomous transaction in SQL Server? It turns out to be a tricky thing to do s...
microsoft windows ce , network firewall design , next generation firewall , utpost firewall , spyware protector 2009 removal tool 9 Aug 2013 | 10:46 am
remote install spyware , turn off os x firewall , microsoft windows xp pro edition x64 , microsoft windows server 2008 tutorial , ask for genuine microsoft windows cheap low cost Autodesk autocad 2011...