Most shabby chic stores croatia related news are at:

Malo kupovine .... | A bit of shopping... 19 Apr 2011 | 06:04 am
Danas sam se malo počastila, uglavnom novim bojama iz Megacolora (Savska, kod Mex Cantine, Zg). Odlične su mi njihove akrilne boje koje dolaze u ambalaži od 250ml, a cijena im je zaista sitnica - 25 k...
Magnetne kopče | Magnetic snaps 19 Apr 2011 | 05:25 am
Dosta dugo sam kod nas tražila magnetne kopče koje mi trebaju za torbe, no - uzaludno. Nedavno sam načula kako ih ima u Nana San trgovinama, no kada sam čula za cijenu - 25,00 kuna/kom - istog trena s...
More shabby chic stores croatia related news:
Førjulsgave til meg selv :) 21 Dec 2011 | 11:02 am
Som dere vet har kjøkkenet mitt gått gjennom store endringer det siste året. Jeg har blitt helt hekta på Shabby Chic-stilen (men hvem har vel ikke det… ), og i og med at Nigella Lawson er min kjøkkeng...
Shabby Chic Chandeliers 30 Jun 2012 | 11:02 am
Come visit our online store filled with many different selections of the most unique chandeliers and lamps Our shop has many shabby chic style chandeliers in styles including crystal wrought iron anti...
Recycling: shabby chic can bucket 12 Apr 2013 | 06:04 pm
I really love this cute craft supply shabby chic can bucket. It’s a sort of basket for storing scissors and other crafting tools and supplies. But it has a handle and it looks like a tiny bucket. The ...
A "Chic and Shabby" office design 29 Dec 2011 | 02:55 am
I always wanted to create a space in our home for my office in a way that I create space in my booths at the stores where I sell.... this is my chippy, shabby, rusty office design :) Very cool ...