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More shadow priest build related news:
SILENT SHADOW HUNTER BUILD 5 Feb 2012 | 12:39 am
The Shadow Hunter/Assassin class on Zenonia 3. ~~~STATS:~~~ So basically there are a couple of options that you could do: 1. All DEX- RECOMMENDED Pros: best endgame damage, evade and critical attac...
Shadow Priest Design: Never Broken 11 Nov 2011 | 04:16 am
The Shadow Priest concept remains strong and sound. But we still need attention. I started writing a very long comment in reply to Natarumah’s very interesting analysis on the Priest Class Q&A and Ex...
Craymer -Shadow Priest 29 Nov 2012 | 04:25 pm
Zdravim všechny z guildy Deep Thunder kdo jsou ochotni si tohle přečíst 1 ) Craymer, Undead Shadoow Priest, 90 + odkaz na armory (Odkaz postujte do code ) Alti- Mahy 87 myslim. Na něm mám odpogreslé...
Discipline Priest / Shadow Priest Nyhawk 11 Feb 2012 | 09:04 pm
Pseudo IG : Nyhawk Classe : Priest Race : Undead Niveau : 1 j'need xp... ... Xp en hm au lvl 85 oui . Métiers : Mineur / Joa. Histoire du personnage : Nyhawk, formé par ses compères d'Archimonde,...
Mary replied to the topic Late Sat Night Raiding in the forum Guild Raiding Discussions 21 Aug 2013 | 04:02 am
Hi Chris, I would be interested!! I have a couple of casters (shadow priest, balance druid) aside from Twinkiee. Let me know!! Blessings, Mary
Bards of War 18 Mar 2012 | 06:27 am
THERE IS NOTHING IN THE FIELD MANUAL ABOUT THE HUMAN SPIRIT AFGHANISTAN. Your job is to build an Army to fight an enemy who attacks from the shadows and rarely shows his face. Your life is defined by...
The Video Game Room 5 Apr 2012 | 03:07 pm
_____ When I found this space, I thought I was walking into a video game. An abandoned building, half the roof missing, bright sunlight and deep shadows, graffiti and rust everywhere, and a couple of...
The Arctic Seal – for sale 14 Feb 2012 | 03:46 am
PRICED BELOW SEA LEVEL DON’T MISS THIS SALE OF THE CENTURY contact Brad Smith at (904) 624-5399 The Arctic Seal can be easily adopted for tow boat, push boat, dive boat, dock building boat, shadow boa...
Best Dress Priest in Azeroth 10 Feb 2011 | 02:10 pm
When it comes to fashion in World of Warcraft, my female dwarf priest is the best dressed holy priest in Azeroth. Wearing Robe of Power and Shadow Hood with matching Gnome tabard and a staff enchante...
WiP Sanguinary Priests & Blood Rodeo 20 Dec 2010 | 01:24 pm
Hi guys, Due to some flak I have been receiving for playing a mech army with my gaming group I have decided to build and play a Crimson Fist assault based jumper and biker army - using the Blood Ange...