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Годы Великого перехода: неизбежное и закономерное снижение темпов роста Китая 27 Aug 2013 | 12:13 pm
Во втором квартале 2013 года темпы роста ВВП Китая снизились до 7,5% в год с 7,7% января—марта. Планируемый правительством рост на 7,5% в 2013 году — самый низкий за последние 23 года. Аналитике же пр...
Полезные советы приезжающим в Пекин 26 Aug 2013 | 10:00 am
Хотела бы поделиться собственным опытом того, как обжиться в Пекине. Я пишу далеко не все, а только то, что может облегчить жизнь на первых порах. Даже зная язык, можно потерять время и силы, самостоя...
More shanghai restoration project related news:
Portugal, Shanghai & secret projects 24 Sep 2008 | 10:51 am
It's been an intense summer for everyone at the lab, nothing at all like this blog so to say. Guess it's time to give an update of what we have been up to and what is going to happen in the near futur...
For Sale. One restored Lambretta 16 Jan 2012 | 08:33 am
Well, just to keep everyone up to date with the story. My father and I went in to the garage at 10am this morning to finalise a few bits and bobs on our restoration project. First job was to ensure w...
Blueprint’s Impact in 2010 29 Mar 2011 | 08:02 am
• Over 825 volunteers have served in the ministry, logging over 15,550 volunteer hours. • Seventy-seven restoration projects have been completed • Homeowners we served (homeowners may fall into more...
Tower Bridge in pictures 25 Sep 2011 | 08:25 pm
A selection of images showing Tower Bridge shortly after the three year restoration project. Tower Bridge has stood over the River Thames in London since 1894 and is one of the most recognisable land...
Tower Bridge before the restoration 23 Jun 2011 | 03:35 am
A selection of images showing Tower Bridge before the start of the three restoration project. Beginning in March 2008, the scope of the essential works was to strip away the old layers of paint and re...
This Week in Texas Politics: May 4, 2012 9 May 2012 | 01:18 pm
WEEKLY REPORT May 4, 2012 BP to begin restoration in Gulf, but Texas holding out About $60 million worth of coastal restoration projects to be paid for by British petroleum giant BP PLC are about t...
Webmaster Topsites - Stats - Top 25 Lighthouse Web Sites List 15 Jul 2011 | 04:00 am
Created in 2001 to help promote a local lighthouse restoration project, The Top 25 Lighthouse Web Sites List was an Instant Sensation and quickly became the World's Lighthouse Portal! Since early 2006...
Restoration Project? 2 Jan 2012 | 01:08 pm
If you’ve browsed through the archives lately, you might have noticed a lot of ker-fuckery going on up in this piece. What you are bearing witness to is the final effort to restore some dignity and in...
A Paradise Valley restoration project… 3 Jun 2009 | 05:37 pm
…a mid-century modern desert oasis needs to find its way into the new millennium. Phoenix is a city with a vast history and no past. Too often structures like this one — built in the unloved year of...
Porsche 968 Minor Restoration Project 2 Oct 2010 | 12:52 am
Not an everyday sight nowadays, is this 1993 Porsche 968 Tiptronic We were contacted by the owner and given a list of items to sort out along with a budget asked what could we do on the list for the b...