Most sharepoint wcf rest hosting related news are at:

Join me for JavaScript Day on 31st Aug 26 Aug 2013 | 06:49 am
When: 31st August 2013 Where: MCN Solution, Sector 63 Noida Fee : Free Topic: JavaScript Yes this time it is JavaScript. Me with C-Sharpcorner Delhi Chapter bringing you JavaScript Day on 31st Aug...
Function constructor in JavaScript 9 Aug 2013 | 08:56 am
As you know that we create or define function in JavaScript using function keyword. So you can create a simple Add function in JavaScript as given in below, The other way to create functions in JavaS...
More sharepoint wcf rest hosting related news:
Creating a micro blog with new hashtags with the REST API 22 Apr 2013 | 08:00 pm
Hi, Similarly to my previous post, here is how to create a new hashtag inside of a microblog using the REST API from a SharePoint-Hosted App. Basically, you also have to address the ContentItems rea...
Demo SharePoint-Hosted App showing how to use the REST API (CRUD, micro-blogging, following content, people, search) 24 Apr 2013 | 01:20 am
Hi, As you might have noticed, I've posted quite a lot of blog posts regarding REST, OData & SharePoint and this, for a few years now! Since the REST API has been strongly extended in 2013, I've deci...
SharePoint: How to create a custom REST WCF Service available in _layouts folder 8 Aug 2013 | 10:19 am
In the given blogpost I’ll describe step by step how to create a simple REST WCF Service residing in the _layouts folder. To create a demonstration project we’ll use Visual Studio 2012. I believe,...