Most show pictures of oil rigs related news are at:

El Bloguipodio: De reformas financieras y derrames de petróleo 25 May 2010 | 09:19 am
Después de una larga ausencia, La Bloguera y Dabloguiman charlan acerca de la reforma financiera, el desastre petrolero del Golfo de México y otros asuntos en Washington. Música de introducción con R...
El Bloguipodio: De Crisis Eléctricas, Día de Veteranos y Más Reforma de Salud 14 Nov 2009 | 05:05 am
La Bloguera y Dabloguiman charlan sobre el Día de los Veteranos y los homenajes en Washington, la reforma de la salud, deliciosas cenas caseras y la falta de ciberseguridad en las plantas electrógenas...
More show pictures of oil rigs related news:
Oil patch in the Bakken 18 Nov 2012 | 07:39 am
Bakken oil rig in North Dakota – kinda beautiful in a way – kinda controversial in another. I took this picture near Williston last week and am including it on my website just to try to keep it alive ...
Oil patch in the Bakken 18 Nov 2012 | 07:39 am
Bakken oil rig in North Dakota – kinda beautiful in a way – kinda controversial in another. I took this picture near Williston last week and am including it on my website just to try to keep it alive ...
Robot Spider 14 Oct 2008 | 11:10 am
Hi there! Just wanted to show you another picture that was created during my spare time. It´s more a practise than a real project. I spend appr. 3 evenings and some hours of rigging for the spider us...
Abhisit Focus: 4) Abhisit shows how the elite land on oil spill hit Samet beach 14 Aug 2013 | 12:30 pm
Former Thai PM, Abhisit, visit to the oil spill hit Samet island caused a stink with his critics, and also some non critic on social network, because of the way he entered the beach. The picture above...
Photos of Lac Megantic you never saw! 25 Aug 2013 | 06:34 am
These pictures were taken by railroad pensioners in Lac Megantic. Most are unlike any taken by the media. These photo's show the damage done by an oil train that ran into a small town in Quebe...
Photos of Lac Megantic you never saw! 25 Aug 2013 | 06:34 am
These pictures were taken by railroad pensioners in Lac Megantic. Most are unlike any taken by the media. These photo's show the damage done by an oil train that ran into a small town in Quebe...