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Aging in place startup Independa tops up $2.35M round of funding 29 Apr 2012 | 03:49 am
(25 April 2012 – by Brian Dolan) This week aging in place technology vendor Independa announced that it had topped up its most recent round of funding to $2.35 million. Independa a...
‘Granny-Nav’ could help elderly drive longer, safer 29 Apr 2012 | 03:37 am
(25 April 2012 – Like it or not, there are more senior citizens behind the wheel than ever before. But as people live longer and drive well into old age, the threat of accidents als...
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Activities for the Elderly - Technology! 29 Apr 2011 | 09:11 pm
Silver Surfers: It's inescapable nowadays that computers are everywhere. Using the Internet and computers have become a normal part of life and as such, many seniors have found that they have to adap...