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WCF RIA Service adding extra Required attribute on generated classes 28 Apr 2011 | 06:00 am
Few days back, I upgraded a Silverlight 3 RIA application to Silveright 4 bits. Once I fixed all the errors, it appeared that RIA generated entities were “over-validating” themselves. I noticed that a...
How to do unit testing with .NET RIA Services? 16 Jan 2010 | 06:13 am
This post is intended to show how to create unit tests on RIA Services. Step by step, I will show how to adapt the template “Silverlight Unit Test Application” in order to test its RIAs Services. To d...
Domain Driven Architecture with Entity Framework 4.0 (POCO), RIA services and silverlight. 2 Dec 2009 | 01:52 am
Introduction The goal of this post is to create a simple example of an application with an architecture domain-driven using Entity Framewrok 4.0 and POCO, the RIA services and Silverlight. Installat...
Silverlight 4.0 WCF RIA Services v1.0 Değişiklikleri 14 Jul 2010 | 04:17 am
Merhaba arkadaşlar, web servislerini daha bir güçlü kılan WCF RIA Services şuan v1.0 sürümünde ve Silverlight 4.0 ile birlikte kullanabiliyoruz. Beta iken de kullanabiliyorduk, o zamanlar SL 3.0 vardı...
Avançado - Recuperando Session, appSetting, etc no Silverlight 27 Oct 2008 | 01:42 pm
Aguns dias atrás estava procurando uma forma de recuperar dados que no silverlight não é possível, tais como, session, appSetting (WebConfig), cache, etc. pois trabalha "fora do contexto" de uma aplic...
La Yeli torna a l'AndorraFitness 10 May 2012 | 04:22 am
Despres de haver participat a les últimes edicions, amb èxit de convocatòria a les seves sessions, la Yeli Rodriguez torna a l'AndorraFitness per entregar-nos tota la energia que transmet a cada m...
Silverlight 3五大功能亮点 15 Jul 2009 | 03:37 am
微软公司于2009年7月10日在旧金山发布了Silverlight 3,这是在网上创建和交付富互联网应用(RIA)和媒体体验最强大的平台之一。Silverlight 3延续了Silverlight之前版本快速创新的传统,增加了50多项新功能,包括支持脱离浏览器运行Silverlight应用、非凡的视频质量和性能改进,以及其它能大幅提升开发人员效率的特性。结合微软世界级设计与开发工具——Micros...
Adding Membership & Role Features to a Silverlight 3 Business Application 14 Jun 2009 | 12:28 am
Adding membership and role functionality to Silverlight 2.0 is no easy task, but fortunately for us, RIA Services makes it a snap with 3.0, in fact it's practically built-in. This 5 minute screencast ...
HTML5新标签解释及用法 18 May 2012 | 02:46 pm
HTML 5 是一个新的网络标准,目标在于取代现有的 HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0 and DOM Level 2 HTML 标准。它希望能够减少浏览器对于需要插件的丰富性网络应用服务(plug-in-based rich internet application,RIA),如Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight, 与 Sun JavaFX
Video of my PLINQ session at PDC 2009 22 Nov 2009 | 06:25 pm
PDC 2009 was an exciting event, with announcements about Azure, Silverlight 4, and Office 2010 popping up one after another. For me, there was another reason why this year’s PDC was exciting – it was ...