Most smirking related news are at:

The Prince: Meet the Man Who Co-Opted Democracy in the Middle East 27 Aug 2013 | 04:43 pm
Reacting to Egypt: An Interview with Andy Libson 27 Aug 2013 | 04:39 pm
More smirking related news:
How a '*' can shatter you dreams... 19 Jul 2009 | 11:27 pm
I tell you, fate is predominantly evil. Just when all things seem to fall in place this factor peeps in, plays its part, smirks at you and flies back. I couldn't continue the saturday story and you'll...
Displaced for the moment 25 Oct 2007 | 01:43 pm
Well, just when I was getting good and settled with writing regular post *smirk*, or at least trying, we were evacuated from our home. There were 3 fires going on near our house and one was getting p...
something about my birthday 7 Dec 2010 | 10:36 am
me [as burton climbs into the car and hangs up his phone]: "who was that?" burton: "my mom." me: "what were you talking about?" burton [with a smirk]: "nothing..." me: "hey, remember? if you're ta... 17 Mar 2010 | 03:22 am
Fighting Against Fate Chapter 3: ~Sookie~ "Sookie, girl, I think you have it bad," Pam said as she came over and handed me a drink. I smirked at her comment and thanked her for the water. I had jus...
Of A Smirk and Happiness; A Parody 20 Feb 2011 | 04:36 am
Dear Mr Past, Be Happy, If you think you are THAT Good Then be happy.... Be Happy, If you think I'd chose you because of your physical attribution, THINK again, and smile.. Be Happy, You have no ri...
7 Good Reasons to Smile 6 May 2011 | 11:20 am
Smiling happens without much thought. When you watch a friend do something silly or embarrassing, you smirk. When a police officer lets you off without a ticket, you grin. And when you are recognized ...
Refinance to Unlock Cash for Financial Needs 3 May 2012 | 04:49 am
When people talk about earning “extra cash,” I always smirk. I mean, is any cash really “extra,” especially in this economy? More likely, people want to earn “essential cash” to cover the various fina...
Top Famous Smiles 11 Oct 2011 | 02:20 am
Top Famous Smiles - Today is World Smile Day and we celebrate this by showcasing top famous smiles, well-known goofy grins, quirky smirks and pearly whites. Can you guess which beaming faces they belo...
Kilkenny, Ireland 5 Oct 2011 | 06:35 pm
Let me share with you the image I see often: Head phones on. Lab top up. Red Bull out. Editing mode full blast. Jason is smirking because he knew I was taking this photo of him. But, I just have to gi...
More Alphabet Soup, Please... 23 Sep 2009 | 01:51 am
'The Alphabet Song'; one of the first songs my boys ever learned. Well, the little one is still learning it. Or should I say he just watches with the biggest of smirks on his face as I sing it over an...