Most social media trends 2012 related news are at:

XML Today and Semantic Modeling 18 Jan 2013 | 05:14 am
There has not been a lot of traffic on in the last few months. As a few of you may be aware, I recently moved from Annapolis, MD to Issaquah, WA in order to be closer to my family during ...
XML Prague Call for Papers 10 Oct 2012 | 04:46 pm
XML Prague 2013 is now welcoming submissions for presentations on the following topics: Digital books and publishing: The role of XML in single-source publishing in the era of tablets, smart phones...
More social media trends 2012 related news:
Google Insights Updated With Social Media Trends 24 Dec 2010 | 11:30 am
4 Jan 2011 – Update: It seems this feature has now been switched off again on Google Insights. Guess they were beta testing a new release of the tool. Shame, but no doubt it will be back! Nice updat...
Social Media Trends for 2012 16 Dec 2011 | 07:02 pm
Recapping 2011, businesses have steadily integrated social media into their marketing strategies, with many allotting more budgets towards social marketing or making it a high priority in their strate...
SocialLondon2012: come le Olimpiadi si giocano (e vincono) sui Social Media 24 Apr 2012 | 05:13 pm
Il 2012 è l’anno dei Social Media. Il 2012 è l’anno delle Olimpiadi di Londra. Facile capire come queste saranno le Olimpiadi dei Social Network, con un grande coinvolgimento a livello di promozione, ...
Video: Social Media Revolution 2012 – Die Revolution geht weiter … 16 Mar 2012 | 12:09 am
Mehr oder weniger jedes Jahr erscheinen die Videos über die andauernde “Social Media Revolution“. Videos mit vielen beeindruckenden Zahlen, Daten und Fakten, die uns Jahr für Jahr mehr vor Augen halte...
BrandReact sluit sponsorovereenkomst met BBP voor het Social Media Congres 2012 23 Mar 2012 | 10:04 pm
Het Social Media Congres is ieder jaar weer een druk bezocht evenement waar veel specialisten en overige belangstellenden in Social Media op afkomen. Voor BrandReact een unieke kans om zich te profile...
What’s the Fuss About Google Plus? 25 Jun 2011 | 02:08 am
So, Google Plus is supposed to be the big threat to Facebook, just as Google Buzz was to have been…something. In the frenzy to become early adopters of the latest social media trend, webmasters are co...
Social media trends worth watching 23 Dec 2011 | 09:17 pm
Social media is the space to watch in the coming years as this is where marketers, their brands and their audience engage and connect. Social media users have generated some very interesting trends th...
Social Media Trends und Statistiken 1 Dec 2011 | 12:45 am
Soziale Netzwerke wie Facebook und Google+ halten immer weiter Einzug in unser Leben. Netzwerke wie Xing zum Beispiel wurden kürzlich sogar vom Bundesverband Informationswirtschaft, Telekommunikation ...
Some Predictions About Social Media in 2012 13 Dec 2011 | 08:05 am
It has been a pretty interesting year for social media. We saw the introduction of Google+, a change which could lead to fundamental differences in the way that search engines work. Facebook introduce...
Доповідь на Lviv Social Media Camp 2012 22 Feb 2012 | 10:50 am
18 лютого у Львові відбувся Lviv Social Media Camp. Я приїхав у якості доповідача. Доповідь розпочалася в 15:30, на потоці “SMM для бізнесу”, звучала так: “Вплив соціальних сигналів на SEO”. Через вел...