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– Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL
In the Absence of Whiteness, Darkness Prevails: Detroit Police Admit 'Stop and Frisk' Policy Okay, because City is "Mostly African American" 27 Aug 2013 | 03:57 am
Since the city of Detroit sought bankruptcy protection on July 18, few stories published by the established, corporate media have dared point out the glaring elephant in the room that was responsible ...
"Inevitably, Underlying Instabilities Begin to Appear" -- The Merritt Landry/Marshall Coulter Situation is About to Explode 26 Aug 2013 | 04:35 am
Why might citizens of New Orleans erect eight-foot walls/fences to protect their property, imitating white property owners in South Africa who have fortified their homes in ways best described as 'med...
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Stuff Black People Don’t Like – SBPDL: David Santucci ‘Blind Sided’ by Sons of Obama in Memphis: If Only Leigh Anne Tuohy Could have Saved these Micha... 24 Aug 2013 | 06:22 am
Stuff Black People Don't Like – SBPDL: David Santucci 'Blind Sided' by Sons of Obama in Memphis: If Only Leigh Anne Tuohy Could have Saved these Michael Ohers….