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程序员的最大挑战 26 Aug 2013 | 09:06 pm

我思考越深就越坚信,如今的程序员的最大挑战是没有时间学习新知识。当在学校时,人们都有大量的时间来学习新工具和新技术,但一旦完成学业,有了全职工作,我们就拿不出足够的时间来学习新东西了。而我们这个行业的变化却是日新月异,对于一个职业程序员,每周至少有40小时‘真正’工作时间,完全没有时间和精力去掌握各种的新兴编程语言,框架和技术,更别说精通了。我想这也就是为什么编程是年轻人的游戏的原因。 想象一下...

Reddit排名算法工作原理 25 Aug 2013 | 09:18 pm

这是一篇继《Hacker News 排名算法工作原理》之后的又一篇关于排名算法的文章。这次我将跟大家探讨一下Reddit的文章排名算法和评论排名算法的工作原理。Reddit使用的算法也是很简单,容易理解和实现。这篇文章里我将会对其进行深入分析。 首先我们关注的是文章排名算法。第二部分将重点介绍评论排名算法,Reddit的评论排名跟文章排名使用的不是同一种算法(这点跟Hacker News不一样)...

More svn git related news:

Почему мой выбор системы управления версиями остановился на Git и хостинге GitHub 26 Apr 2012 | 04:03 am

Занимаясь программированием рано, или поздно начинаешь задумываться о системах контроля версий. Выбор есть: CVS, SVN, Git, Mercurial, Bazzar, TFS (Microsoft Team Foundation Server). На чем, остановить...

Почему мой выбор системы управления версиями остановился на Git и хостинге GitHub 26 Apr 2012 | 12:03 am

Занимаясь программированием рано, или поздно начинаешь задумываться о системах контроля версий. Выбор есть: CVS, SVN, Git, Mercurial, Bazzar, TFS (Microsoft Team Foundation Server). На чем, остановить...

Cobos and Source Control Management 16 May 2013 | 03:20 pm

Cobos provides simple ways to integrate with your favorite mainframe Source Control Management such as CVS, SVN, Git, Endevor, Dimension, ClearCase, SCLM, LCM, ...

All services are currently offline for a planned maintenance. Web interface, deployments, SVN, Git... 27 Jul 2013 | 08:03 pm

All services are currently offline for a planned maintenance. Web interface, deployments, SVN, Git and Mercurial access are offline. We should be back up in 10 minutes.

куда пойдет trunk при конвертации svn->git? 26 Aug 2013 | 01:15 pm

Здравствуйте! Подскажите куда уйдет основная ветка разработки trunk при конвертации репозитория из svn в git? Уйдет она в master, HEAD или останется отдельной веткой?

From SVN to Gitlab on RHEL6 5 Aug 2013 | 02:54 am

There is a certain SVN project that i’ve moved to gitlab over the weekend. It started with installing the RHEL6 environment, moving all the revisions there with svn-git and then settingup gitlab. GIT...

ÇİÇEK VE SU.. 7 Apr 2011 | 12:59 am

Günün birinde bir çiçekle su karşılaşır ve arkadaş olurlar. İlk önceleri güzel bir arkadaşlık olarak devam eder birliktelikleri, tabii zaman lâzımdır birbirlerini tanımak için. Gel zaman, git zaman...

5 reasons I love SASS – The Future of CSS and Stylesheets 23 May 2012 | 03:20 pm

My introduction to SASS (Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets) started with the Mobify platform, where I was introduced to SASS, Kaffeine, Dust JS and Git in mass amounts. At first, I was reluctant to us...

Presenting: PHP Commit Hooks 20 Jul 2010 | 09:28 pm

In our company blog I blogged about a pet project of mine: PHP Commit Hooks. This is a follow up to my earlier blog posts: SVN commit hooks, which was inspired by a discussion on an earlier PHP Unconf...

FlatPress 1.0 «Solenne» is here 12 Jan 2012 | 03:32 am

Given the slow pace of updates, I’ve decided to bump the version to a nice, round number. This is SVN r408. As always, download is at https://sourceforge. … /projects/flatpress/ Have fun with FlatP...

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