Most tapping into ones own genius related news are at:

Faking Picasso 17 May 2012 | 03:05 am
What do you do when you don’t know what to do? One of my favorite stories about the power of trusting the deeper intelligence behind the mind is of a consultant friend of mine who brought a new intern...
The Abacus and the Computer 27 Apr 2012 | 11:03 pm
I got this letter yesterday from a reader: Michael – is it possible that some people just don’t have internal well-being? I don’t think I do, I think I have internal misery, I’ve always battled with ...
More tapping into ones own genius related news:
The evidence is clear or is it…You be the judge. 6 Apr 2012 | 07:50 am
Today we had a water piper break this is my tap water. I filled two glasses with tap water, one right after the other. The glass on the left came DIRECTLY from the tap, the glass on the right was FI...
What Are You, Nuts? 23 Oct 2011 | 01:00 am
Written in commemoration of National Nut Day In the Olduvai Gorge of Africa over 1,000,000 years ago, they enjoyed them, placing them on top of rocks and gingerly tapping them, one by one, until each...
#33: The Tooth Fairy Cometh 13 Apr 2011 | 11:30 pm
(via I hear a commotion from where I stand at the kitchen sink. There is a scurry of feet, a pounding at the steps, and then a few quick taps from one excited little hand. I look do...
MyShop 1.8.0 is now available 24 Nov 2010 | 10:19 am
Today Apple approved version 1.8.0 of MyShop. Main new feature are user defined status colors (go to the filter setting and tap on one of the status names). Version 1.8.0 also brings a french locali...
ECE Professor Collaborates with The Achievement Project (TAP) during One-Week Summer Program 28 Jan 2009 | 05:17 am
As part of his NSF CAREER grant titled, "Decentralized Control and Optimization Techniques for Autonomic Performance Management of Distributed Computing Systems," Prof. Naga Kandasamy and students Dar...
Canon Optura 40 7 Dec 2009 | 06:50 am
As they say in This Is Spinal Tap, “this one is one bigger.” The Canon Optura 40 differs in just a few ways from its slightly less expensive sibling, the Optura 30. It includes a 14X optical zoom inst...
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – Tapping into your authentic self… 22 Sep 2010 | 05:13 pm
How can emotional freedom technique, or EFT, also referred to as tapping or meridian tapping help you tap into your inner genius and get you back on your path to success? You can learn how to tap in j...
Capture your Customers Attention with Exciting Video Content. 29 May 2013 | 06:24 pm
Video can be your best communication tool in business- if you've decided to use it you've just tapped into one of the richest ways to create content and promote yourself or your business. In 2012 Coms...
From Razar to Galaxy S4 question... 27 Aug 2013 | 05:15 am
My old phone had "Quick Notes" in Texting you just tap the one you want and send it this hidden somewhere in my new Galaxy S4?
Civil Construction • Re: Decreased water pressure/flow in kitchen tap. 27 Aug 2013 | 03:52 pm
Probably one more round of thorough cleaning(yourselves or using a plumber) of supply pipes might resolve your issue. Statistics: Posted by msn1270 — 27 Aug 2013, 16:22