Most techniques of the selling writer related news are at:

Q&A: Boring characters? 13 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
A writer asked me this question: I recently started writing a novel based off a couple friends and I wondering what would happen if we got thrust into a messy world of insane, chaotic, and anything c...
NEW! Heroine's Journey worksheet 12 Aug 2013 | 10:03 pm
Heroine's Journey worksheet $5 I was asked to describe my Heroine’s Journey many times and I even taught several workshops on it at writer’s conferences, and so I decided to write a more detailed wor...
More techniques of the selling writer related news:
The “Take Away” – The Natural Selling Way 1 Nov 2012 | 11:05 am
You’ve probably heard about the take away technique in conventional selling? This is where the conventional salesperson puts pressure on the potential customer by saying something like, “This is proba...
10 Creative Blogging Techniques to Smash Through Writer’s Block 15 Dec 2012 | 04:27 am
Everyone knows that Google loves content as much as the Cookie Monster loves cookies. Google eats it up. If done correctly, creating new and relevant content can help drive traffic to your website and...
Shorting Stock 14 Jun 2013 | 09:46 pm
Many investors make money on a decline of an individual stock or during a bear market, thanks to an investing technique called short selling. In short selling an investor makes money only when a short...
J. K. Rowling's Crime Novel Rejected at First: Cuckoo's Calling by Robett Galbraith 16 Jul 2013 | 11:03 am
The UK Telegraph reports, "Publishers have been left red-faced after discovering that they rejected the latest novel by J. K. Rowling, one of the world’s best-selling writers." Apparently, the Harry P...
Shorting Stock 14 Jun 2013 | 09:46 pm
Many investors make money on a decline of an individual stock or during a bear market, thanks to an investing technique called short selling. In short selling an investor makes money only when a short...
Interview with Chris Guillebeau 17 Jan 2013 | 05:43 am
Recently had the opportunity to interview New York Times best-selling writer Chris Guillebeau (The $100 Startup, The Art of Non-Conformity) on ToutSuite’s ’5ive O’Clock Somewhere’ show. Chris has now ...
Interview with Chris Guillebeau 17 Jan 2013 | 05:43 am
Recently had the opportunity to interview New York Times best-selling writer Chris Guillebeau (The $100 Startup, The Art of Non-Conformity) on ToutSuite’s ’5ive O’Clock Somewhere’ show. Chris has now ...
Book Review: The Venetian Violinist, by Marcio Goncalves 4 Aug 2013 | 11:10 pm
Title: The Venetian Violinist Author: Marcio Goncalves Drake Kingsley, widower and former best-selling writer finds himself afflicted with a terrible bout of writers block. Despite his foul-mouthed a...
Weekend Capsules:Inspirations/Quotes From Stephen Covey and Anthony Robbins! 24 Aug 2013 | 12:57 pm
This weekend capsules is about inspirations and quotes from the World renowned writers. These were excerpts from best selling writers- Anthony Robins and Stephen Covey. Think on these short inspired ...
I’ve written hundreds of press releases for all types of companies… would you like to know what techniques help generate the most traffic? 17 Feb 2012 | 05:04 am
(Of course you would!) As you’ve probably noticed from previous posts here, I’ve added “press release writer” into my freelance resume of stuff-I-know-how-to-do. As a result, I’ve been a press releas...