Most telefonica disruptive council related news are at:

Steve Jobs, el que encontró lo que amaba 7 Oct 2011 | 07:20 pm
He tenido la suerte de atender varios keynotes de Steve Jobs desde su vuelta a Apple a finales de los 90. Es una experiencia única, mas concierto de rock que conferencia de tecnología. He visto como A...
What patents did Google really bought with Motorola? An analysis of the telco patent pools 23 Aug 2011 | 07:25 am
I just read this very interesting article claiming that Motorola out of the well publicized numer of 17,000 patents that they have, they only have 18 that might be valuable to Google. Although that mi...
More telefonica disruptive council related news:
Portland approves fluoride: 'Science is on the side of fluoridation' 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
PORTLAND, Ore. — In a meeting where police had to remove unruly protesters for yelling, swearing, hissing and disrupting the vote, the Portland City Council on Wednesday unanimously approved adding fl...
Portland approves fluoride: 'Science is on the side of fluoridation' 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
PORTLAND, Ore. — In a meeting where police had to remove unruly protesters for yelling, swearing, hissing and disrupting the vote, the Portland City Council on Wednesday unanimously approved adding fl...
Important Notice – Disruption of Water Supply – Sunday 28th April from 6.00am – 12 midnight 18 Apr 2013 | 01:54 pm
Dublin City Council advises that due to essential works there will be disruption to water supply resulting in a reduction in service with reduced pressures and loss of supply in some areas on Sunday 2...
Temporary disruptions to Wellington bus services 8 May 2013 | 04:00 am
Temporary disruptions to Wellington bus services Greater Wellington Regional Council and NZ Bus apologise to Wellington bus customers for the disruptions to bus services this morning and advise there...
Important Notice – Disruption of Water Supply Sunday 30th June 2013 from 6.00am – 12 midnight 17 Jun 2013 | 04:54 pm
Dublin City Council advises that due to essential works there will be disruption to water supply resulting in a reduction in service with reduced pressures and loss of supply in some areas on Sunday 3...
Important notice- Disruption of Water Supply Sunday 30th June 2013. 30 Jun 2013 | 07:42 pm
The planned essential works on the Malahide road have been successfully completed and water has been restored. Dublin City Council apologises for any inconvenience caused during these essential works...
Candi Controls Nominated for a 2013 SPIFFY Award 5 Aug 2013 | 10:42 pm
Congrats to Mobile Future member company Candi Controls for being nominated by the Telecom Council of Silicon Valley for a Most Disruptive Technology award. This award recognizes the most game-changin...
Bexley Council criticised by Eric Pickles as lack of public disruption is revealed 23 Aug 2013 | 02:55 pm
Eric Pickles again criticised Bexley Council for its stance on filming in meetings as it was revealed only two committees in the last two years have been completely stopped due to public disruption.
Maintenance time on the A34 – lane closures for next 3 weekends 13 Aug 2013 | 02:05 pm
To minimise disruption to motorists, the Council always aims to bundle together all the maintenance needed on the A34 and do it in August weekends. It’s that time of year again. Stockport Council wil...
Islamophobes From @Atlasshrugs Disrupt Tolerance Forum 6 Jun 2013 | 07:01 pm
Ah, yes. Noted racist and bigot Pamela Geller sounded the clarion call for her goon squad of islamophobes to protest a forum on tolerance put on by American Muslim Advisory Council this past Tuesday ...