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More template periodic wordpress related news:
Light of Peace – WordPress Template 24 Aug 2010 | 04:00 pm
This is a church theme WordPress Template. Some people use it for wedding and non-profit website. There are four color scheme included in this template. This wordpress theme also has an admin panel. ...
Twitter sur WordPress grâce à P2 en français 26 Jul 2009 | 11:25 pm
La meilleure façon de choisir son template (theme) WordPress, c’est d’aller sur un de ses blogs, Tableau de bord, Apparence, là se trouve le moteur de recherche (voir tous les thèmes) pe...
WordPress Tema – Templatic TechNews 6 Apr 2012 | 11:52 am
WordPress TechNews teması gerçek blogcular ve bunun gibi kategoriler için tasarlanmıştır. Teknoloji haber sitesi oluşturmak için ideal bir şablonu vardır. Yüksek trafikli bir portal için uygun ve tasa...
eShop - Ecommerce Theme by Templatic Premium WordPress Theme For Free Download 17 Oct 2011 | 08:54 pm
eShop - Ecommerce Theme by Templatic Premium WordPress Theme For Free Download eShop is the best e-commerce theme so far with balanced features! Create your own online store easily in wordpress. eSh...
Templatic Realtr WordPress theme Download 1 May 2012 | 12:19 pm
Are you looking for the best wordpress template for your real estate service? Templatic has a premium wordpress theme call realtr and it is easy to use and look professional. This WordPress real estat...
Cara Mendesain Template Blogspot Sendiri 14 May 2012 | 01:43 am
Cara Mendesain Template Blogspot Sendiri - yap kali ini saya akan berbagi tutorial mendesain template blogger atau blogspot sendiri, kalau sebelumnya saya menulis cara setting template di wordpress da...
Cara Setting Template Di WordPress 8 May 2012 | 07:56 pm
Cara Setting Template Di WordPress - mungkin tutorial ini sudah tidak jaman atau tutorial yang sudah sangat basi untuk di pelajari dan di baca tapi khusus bagi blogger yang sudah pada senior dalam d... 8 Aug 2011 | 04:07 am
We hand coded a custom HTML5 template for WordPress and Integrated multiple lead capture forms into MailChimp.
Creare Temi per WordPress: 5+ Framework Gratis da cui iniziare 29 May 2012 | 07:25 pm
Settimana scorsa avevo condiviso alcuni Framework per creare progetti web responsive design, e oggi invece parliamo di WordPress. Chi crea template per WordPress ha tre scelte per iniziare a sviluppa...
Green Template for WordPress – Free download 28 Sep 2011 | 10:16 pm
Theme #5 | Downloaded 2395 times Are you looking for a nature, flower or green theme for wordpress? Then download this theme. It's free, it has a slideshow and other custom parameters. It's easy to u...