Most textmate kindle bundle related news are at:

Got There a Minute Late? Startup Gives You Automatic Fedex Refunds 23 Aug 2013 | 05:43 am
A former FedEx employee has gone rogue and started a company that exploits the fine print in a package delivery contract to claim refunds. Jose Li, who used to run FedEx's retail and e-commerce unit,...
Indie Band Okkervil River’s 8-Bit Game Enhances New Album 22 Aug 2013 | 05:08 am
If you want to sell records nowadays, you sometimes need to do more than just release music to stand out, just like Okkervil River is doing this summer The indie rock band has released multimedia pro...
More textmate kindle bundle related news:
Bundle of 14 Colorful Stylus Universal Touch Screen Pen for Kindle Fire Ipad 2 Ipod Iphone 4 4S 3g 3gs Motorola Xoom Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 10.1, Blac... 26 May 2012 | 10:44 am
Bundle of 14 Colorful Stylus Universal Touch Screen Pen for Kindle Fire Ipad 2 Ipod Iphone 4 4S 3g 3gs Motorola Xoom Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 10.1, Blackberry Playbook HTC Flyer Evo View Tablet – With M...
SML on Mac OSX (incl. TextMate Bundle) 15 Jul 2011 | 01:57 am
At University, people sometimes do use strange programming languages, most evelopers never even heard about. One of these is SML (Standard Markup Language). A functional proramming language, designed ...
Changing Xcode 4's default code snippets 11 Aug 2011 | 07:59 am
Xcode 4 brought along a code snippets feature that is actually useful. Nearly as useful as TextMate snippets but not quite as powerful. One of the most annoying things though is that Xcode bundles in ...
CodeIgniter Textmate Bundle 16 Oct 2009 | 11:26 pm
I Know this is a few days old already, but its just too good of a tool to not post in as many places as possible. There is now a CodeIgniter Textmate bundle avaialable! If you are like me, you have a...
How to Format Your Ebooks for Kindle…Without Paying $100+ 26 Jun 2011 | 06:00 am
Pick Up PLR to This Bundle Here While the Offer Is Available Uploading your ebooks to Amazon’s Kindle Store is big business these days. And it’s trending like crazy right now. The downside is that for...
Arduino-Bundle fuer TextMate startklar machen 15 Aug 2012 | 05:45 pm
Ich habe gerade fuer meinen geliebten Arduino eine Alternative zur Standard-IDE gesucht. Bevorzugt wollte ich fuer den Texteditor TextMate eine Erweiterung haben, die ich dann auch gefunden [...]
Working with Shopify .css.liquid files in TextMate 23 Oct 2012 | 11:16 am
I’ve been working with for some time now. One of the(many) cool things that Shopify has going for it, is the TextMate bundle they offer. It really makes writing Shopify Liquid code much ni...
Release a Book as a Torrrent 11 Dec 2012 | 08:33 pm
I have a book for the Kindle called “Frogs in Aspic”. It is a collection of a dozen or so of my short stories. I collected all the “Weird Tales” type stories and bundled them up as a mobi file. They h...
TextMate bundles 11 Jan 2013 | 03:11 am
Just a quick announcement: We’re now testing our TextMate to Intype bundles converter, so if you wish to have a TextMate bundle in Intype (with appropriate license), don’t keep it to yourself and let ...
Bundling eBooks-Multiply Your Profit Without Much Work 10 Mar 2013 | 04:57 pm
Those of you that have been following my monthly passive income reports will know that I have been earning a decent amount of cash from the ebooks that I have published on Amazon’s Kindle platform. Af...