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What the Doug? 23 Sep 2010 | 05:19 am
I've just watched the trailer for old school J-Horror action 'The House Where Evil Dwells' and was reminded that it starred my old childhood hero Doug McClure, who I used to love as a child thanks to ...
We fix Dwelling House With Good 2 May 2012 | 02:28 pm
The house is a dwelling which is very desirable in this life, people who occupy it will feel calm and able to rest well if their homes are really good in terms of adequate, so that what was needed at ...
Rings and reunions, and the final ring-ups at bodega 22 Aug 2013 | 09:11 pm
Axel the jewelry artist, left, and Tommy Turner, the writer / director of the film “Where Evil Dwells,” recently caught up at the opening of legendary street artist Peter Missing’s show at the Art on ...
The House That Evil Built Part III 23 Aug 2013 | 02:01 am
By Little Bobby Motch 8-12-13 On March 10, 2010 NewsWithViews posted Mrs. Devvy Kidd’s The House That Evil Built. Last week I wrote a follow up or [Part II] where I expanded on Miss Devvy’s Column. In...
Unbroken Circle 7 Jul 2013 | 08:36 pm
Can a house be evil? In Unbroken Circle the house where three generations of a poor, Texas family live appears to be the repository of and monument to an enduring evil. The house is in Galveston, and ...
Small Houses Renovation Tips 13 Feb 2010 | 09:48 am
No matter how small and old your house is, dwelling in a comfortable and modern home is workable by applying certain renovation techniques. Below are some techniques that you can try on: 1. Select li...
Divine dwelling on Dunloe 29 Jan 2010 | 05:29 pm
If hitting the gym, spa and hot tub all within the confines of your own home sounds appealing, don’t pass up the opportunity to settle down in this deluxe 905 dream house.
Things that took me 50 years to learn. Almost 50, anyway. 16 Jun 2011 | 03:47 pm
The cool car is not nearly as awesome as the paid-for car. Really. A house payment should be the only non-utility payment you have. Credit cards are evil and those that push them are the devil incar...
Dust Mite Allergy 20 Sep 2008 | 05:37 am
What is a dust mite allergy? Dust mite allergy is an allergy to a microscopic organism that lives in the dust found in all dwellings and workplaces. House dust, as well as some house furnishings, con...
House Block Areas Shrinks 5 Jul 2011 | 07:31 pm
Australia has been known to have the largest dwellings in the world and these houses are noted to be of high quality, with the average Australian house estimated at 214 square meters. Now, the sizes ...