Most the last frontier linda evans related news are at:
– LBColby's DYNASTY Blog
THE COLBYS #2.23 "Betrayals" 15 Jul 2011 | 04:45 am
My plan to post the last 3 remaining episodes of "The Colbys" last month didn't work out, those of you with blogs on Blogger may know why - it was not possible to publish anything the last couple of d...
DYNASTY Poll Results: Best Season 17 Jun 2011 | 08:00 am
I'm happy to say, my favorite season of "DYNASTY" came out on top in our recent "What are your favorite DYNASTY seasons" poll. The second season of "DYNASTY" that begins with the arrival of Joan Coll...
More the last frontier linda evans related news:
VIDEO: Joan Collins on Paul O'Grady Live (2011) 29 May 2011 | 04:15 am
The feud is still on. Would Joan Collins bring the play "Legends" to the UK? "Not with Linda Evans!" said Dynasty diva on Paul O'Grady's ITV chat show last night. Of course, "Legends" is not a very g...