Most thin gem related news are at:

Blog Moved! plzplzplzbbq update your feed (plz) 9 Dec 2008 | 06:08 pm
I moved my blog to: New feed is at I know, I’m asking a lot… But I guarantee you’ll have a lot more fun if you update your feed to point...
Thin 1.0 1 Oct 2008 | 01:11 am
Thin 1.0, codename That’s What She Said, is out! gem install thin 1.0, OMGWTFBBQ! Yes 1.0! That doesn’t mean it’s bug free or anything. But, it does mean that it’s been running on a number of serve...
More thin gem related news:
Micro Gem Headphones by IDEA International 30 May 2012 | 06:49 pm
Versteht uns nicht falsch - wir LIEBEN unsere Pipe 'In Ear'-Kopfhörer von AIAIAI aber von Zeit zu Zeit (zum Beispiel im Fitnesstudio, auf der Ski-Piste oder auf dem Fahrrad...) präferieren wir Kopfhör...
Gold Country : Calaveras Gem & Jewelry Show : March 24 - 25 28 Jan 2012 | 03:26 am
Exhibit Family Fun World class dealers will offer great values on top quality gems minerals jewelry...
How To Keep Urgency From Ruining Your Life 27 Jul 2010 | 02:01 am
Life is incredibly distracting. No matter how enthusiastically you set goals, it’s just too easy let yourself get pulled away from taking action on them because of daily urgencies and reactive thin...
retroREVIEW: “Tea For The Tillerman” by Cat Stevens 9 May 2012 | 08:41 am
1970′s “Tea For The Tillerman” is one of the great underrated gems in music. It doesn’t hurt that Yusuf Islam could sing the phone book and make it listenable, but from start to finish, “Tea” is full ...
WordPress Attachment Pages and PhotoSmash 4 Jul 2010 | 05:20 pm
One of the true hidden gems of WordPress is its built-in Photo Gallery capabilities. You can use the Media Library to upload images and display them with a simple shortcode: [ gallery] (sans the spac...
Spot the Drop – Toshiba 13 Apr 2012 | 07:53 am
To demonstrate how light and thin the new Toshiba Ultrabook was we created an interactive YouTube experience using notations. You can check out the full experience here.
Wildfire Prevention Project in Sibley Triangle 3 May 2012 | 11:05 am
Contact name Emily Hopkins News Wildfire Prevention Project in Sibley Triangle The East Bay Regional Park District and the Oakland Fire Department are planning to carry out a eucalyptus-thinning p...
SGP Ultra Thin Mattee Series Case for iPhone 4 [Review] 6 Aug 2011 | 09:45 pm
Choosing a perfect case for your iDevice depends on your own personal preference. Some try to get cases which shows off their devices while others try to protect them by getting cases which covers you...
Apache Buildr and Scala 2.8 8 Jun 2010 | 09:02 am
Quick hack: to use Apache Buildr with the lates Scala 2.8 release candidate (RC3 at the time of writing) open up the file /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/buildr-xxx/lib/buildr/scala/compiler.rb and change...
The Power of Success Habits 9 Jan 2010 | 03:00 am
The most successful people in life may very well have traits, skills or knowledge in particular areas that their peers lack. But most importantly these individuals are able to consistently do the thin...