Most things for cancer related news are at:
Four More Years!?! 18 Aug 2013 | 03:38 am
Four years ago today, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. 1,461 days ago, a doctor walked in, sat down next to me and with sad puppy dog eyes, gave me terrible news. I was not scared. I was not worr...
SBRT Complete 5 Aug 2013 | 08:21 am
I've finished my course of SBRT, having 45 gys in 5 fractions of 9 gys each. That makes sense to somebody, I'm sure. The Space Bag has been unplugged, the air allowed back in and is ready for use by...
More things for cancer related news:
Divine Cancer Mathematics 30 Jan 2013 | 12:36 am
We can plot out important things with cancer statistics. If science tells us that a substance, whether toxic or not, increases or decreases the chance of getting or recovering from … Read More4 Commen...
Divine Cancer Mathematics 30 Jan 2013 | 12:36 am
We can plot out important things with cancer statistics. If science tells us that a substance, whether toxic or not, increases or decreases the chance of getting or recovering from … Read More4 Commen...
June 2013 PreviewYou Are Not Too Sensitive 21 May 2013 | 12:01 pm
This month the sky is awash in Cancer, a poignantly personal sign that makes us prone to, well, taking things personally. Cancer is emotionally sensitive, like all water signs, and is perhaps the most...
Jun 2013You Are Not Too Sensitive 1 Jun 2013 | 12:01 pm
As June begins, Mercury has just entered Cancer, a poignantly personal sign that makes us prone to, well, taking things personally. Cancer is Cardinal Water, the element of emotional sensitivity. Ven...
Four cool Harley Davidson bike accessories 25 May 2011 | 02:19 am
Harley Davidson doesn’t just manufacture bikes, it created a way of life with all its collectibles and gifts. They made sure that being a Harley Davidson fan one can choose variety of things to show t...
Le Soja : la «Fève Magique» ? 2 Jul 2011 | 01:45 am
Extrait de «Cancer – Sortez de la Boîte» Selon la plupart des grands médias du courant dominant et du «mieux vivre alternatif», les fèves de soja sont les plus polyvalentes, naturelles, amies du cœur,...
Le vendredi 13 Juin 2008, j’ai reçu le diagnostic d’un cancer de l’utérus, et le médecin voulait que je me fasse opérer. J’ai répondu « absolument pas! » Alors, j’ai commencé à vouloir guérir ma malad...
How small business can adopt new tech: Don’t change a thing 24 Mar 2011 | 02:41 am
by Serguei Sofinskit, Intermedia, Special to ZDNet, March 23, 2011 Commentary - When it comes to using technology to improve their profits, the first place small businesses should lookto is the succe...
Simon Barrett, Blogger News Network 21 Apr 2012 | 06:26 am
Simon Barrett of Blogger News Network said some nice things about Janson Media… The video world was also exciting in 2011. There are two companies that deserve great recognition, Acorn Media and Jans...
Are Pipex Fraudulent Criminals? 7 Feb 2008 | 08:08 am
UPDATE: This article is now the first of two. Unfortunately things with Pipex are still ongoing (as of 24th March 2008) and I have now concluded that in my opinion this has to be fraud. For the next ...