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– Dating Coach for Intelligent Men, David Tian, Ph.D., in Asia & Singapore - Attract Women Being Authentic, Natural, & Genuine Without Manipulative or Sleazy Pick Up Artist Lines or Routines
Minimise Investment: 3 Key Tips for the Perfect First Date (Part 3 of 3) 10 Aug 2013 | 03:54 pm
I want to help you not just for this holiday weekend but all the way until you achieve your dream goals with women. That’s why I’m giving my 1-year coaching program a huuuuge discount ($1,000 OFF!) on...
Maximise Conversation: 3 Key Tips to make your First Date PERFECT (Part 2 of 3) 9 Aug 2013 | 02:33 pm
It’s National Day in Singapore! I truly appreciate the amazing achievements, culture, and people of my adopted home, and in honour of that, I’m sending you a very special National Day offer: A special...