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AMPLIFIER TABUNG " TOA AMPLIFIER H.A 356 made in KOBE JAPAN 26 Aug 2013 | 02:54 pm
500.000 RUPIAH / IDR
10 desenhos para colorir no Dia da Criança 18 May 2012 | 09:39 pm
dia-da-crianca.jpg O Dia da Criança é um dia especial e cheio de significado, porque não é à toa que se diz que as crianças são o nosso futuro. Por isto e por muito mais, o Dia da Criança deve ser co...
Vacuum Tube Head Phone Amplifier + PCB Making 12 Feb 2012 | 04:20 pm
අකාලෙට වැහි වගේ බ්ලොග් ලියන මම ඔන්න අද ලියන්න යනේ Audio ගැන උනන්දුවක් දක්වන හා electrons වලට කැමති අයට පොඩි පොස්ට එකක්. ඉස්සෙලා බලමු මොනවද මේ Vacuum Tubes/Valve කියනේ කියලා. 1900 ගනන් වලට මේ Transist...
Simple 250 mW Audio Amplifier 25 Aug 2010 | 01:12 pm
This circuit contains three transistors Q1 (BC547), Q2 (BC327), Q3 (BC337) as central components. Transistor Q1 in this circuit acts as preamplifier where as Q2 and Q3 are output pairs....... 1 Vote(...
How Direct Mailing Can Help You Boost Up Your Revenues 7 Sep 2010 | 09:06 pm
Are you constantly worried about bringing up your sales? If you seek to amplify those revenues and are finding effective ways to realize that, I suggest you try direct mailing. Truly, direct mailing c...
Vox AC30C2 18 Aug 2010 | 04:50 pm
The Vox AC30C2 Guitar Amplifier Combo is no pretender, this is one hell of an amp. If you need a rock solid amp that’s built to deliver, then the Vox AC30C2 is for you. It’s LOUD, it sounds amazing a...
Line 6 Spider IV 75W 12 Aug 2010 | 11:58 pm
It’s now time to truly experience exceptional depth and sophisticated touch response amplification. This powerhouse of a modeling guitar amplifier is a virtual Swiss army knife of amplification goodn...
Fender Frontman 212R 100w 10 Aug 2010 | 08:34 am
Turn up the 100 watt Fender Frontman 212R for that famous Fender sound Fender have reintroduced the pre 69 vintage Fender Blackface look on the Fender Frontman series amplifiers, giving them a classi...
Loser Steals Music Gear 4 Aug 2010 | 03:13 pm
Here’s a classic case of crime doesn’t pay. A thief broke into a local high school in the Waroona District in the south west of Western Australia and stole two guitars and an amplifier. The booty wa...
Peavey Vypyr 15 2 Aug 2010 | 02:29 pm
A 15 watt combo with 12 digital amp models to have you rockin, the moment you open the box. Regardless of whether your learning the electric guitar or a seasoned guitarist, Peavey Vypyr 15 amplifiers...