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Training Shoes Vs Running Shoes 28 Mar 2012 | 09:47 pm
When considering your exercise program and what type of footwear to purchase, it may come down training shoes vs running shoes that will best fit your routine. On the surface, there appears to be litt...
adidas Women’s Kanadia 4 TR Running Shoe,Phantom/Zero Metallic/Ultra Pop,7.5 M US 16 Jul 2012 | 06:02 pm
adidas Ladies Kanadia 4 TR Athletic Shoes Take your run off the beaten path! Make your way over ground in these women's adidas Kanadia 4 Trail shoes. The agile running shoe has a mud-shedding outsole,...
Brook Running Shoes 2 Jul 2012 | 08:43 pm
brook running shoes Click for PricePUMA PUMA Lakyos II V Women's TR Running Shoes A trailblazing running shoeMaximize your performance on uneven trails with this cross country running shoe. Th...
Asic Running Shoes 1 Jul 2012 | 04:53 am
asic running shoes Click for PricePUMA PUMA Lakyos II V Women's TR Running Shoes A trailblazing running shoeMaximize your performance on uneven trails with this cross country running shoe. The...
Waterproof Running Shoes 22 Jun 2012 | 08:33 am
waterproof running shoes Click for PriceCampmor INOV-8 Roclite 275 GTX Women's Waterproof Trail Running Shoe - The waterproof INOV8 Roclite 275 GTX trail running shoe is the perfect solution f...
What Kind of Shoes are Good for Flat Feet? 28 Sep 2012 | 07:46 pm
I am very flat-footed, and every kind of shoe I've tried gives me some kind of blister where I should have an arch. I’ve run in shoes for overpronators and trail shoes. Eventually I went out and bough...
Pearl iZUMi Women’s W EM Trail N 1 Running Shoe 8 Mar 2013 | 07:27 am
Pearl iZUMi Women’s W EM Trail N 1 Running Shoe Forefoot rock plate protects foot against stone bruising and rock push-through Aggressive, multi-directional Carbon Rubber outsole offers superb tractio...
Dirty Runner: Pearl Izumi EM N1 Trail Shoe Review 15 Aug 2013 | 11:17 pm
I've been struggling to write this review. I received this pair of Pearl Izumi EM N1 Trail shoes in May and have run 111 miles in them so far (Disclosure: These shoes were sent to me free of charge as...
Nike Flex Trail Men’s Running Shoes $39.98 24 Aug 2013 | 01:17 am
Click Deal Finish Line has the Nike Flex Trail Mens Running Shoes on sale for $39.98, Was $84.99. Compare Price These lightweight trail-ready shoes are equipped with a reinforced toe and heel for incr...
Salomon XR Crossmax Neutral CS Trail Shoe 1 Aug 2013 | 05:25 pm
The Salomon XR Crossmax Neutral CS is the latest iteration of their highly respected line of trail running shoes. Salomon is eel known for building on top of the most popular features of their previou...