Most troc cq related news are at:

Coming round the mountain in a vintage skirt! 26 Aug 2013 | 07:37 pm
We did a camping tour of the northern coast of Spain this month - another lovely chance to chill out with the family while visiting some wonderful places. That's our tent, hiding behind the cornflowe...
Bryony, Brambles and Honeysuckle 30 Jul 2013 | 01:19 am
Son 1 and I took the increasingly elderly Raja for a walk on the Coulée Verte this evening. After a cool day (not above 25°C) she was full of energy and we had a great time - and the combination of th...
More troc cq related news:
US Sugar Policy: Not So Sweet for Consumers 30 Sep 2011 | 02:39 am
If you read last week’s Politico, Roll Call, or CQ Today you may have noticed two great new ads (available here and here) that the Coalition for Sugar Reform, of which GMA is a proud member, is runnin...
Bourse troc/vente de petit matériel apicole 26 Apr 2012 | 08:47 pm
Plus d'info? messagerie 26 Apr 2012 | 06:55 pm
-schimburi de obiecte, socializare si voie buna- Asociatia Cloud Factory in parteneriat cu Fundatia Rubin, va asteaptam la Troc Ad-hoc, schimburi de obiecte si voie buna. Banii adesea sunt un mijloc ...
с новым годом (Happy New Year) 13 Jan 2009 | 08:43 am
Our adoption agency had a celebration for Russian New Year. The Russian Ballet did dances for the kids. AND the kids got to dance too! CQ is in this pic We EVEN SAW FATHER FROST!!!!! Cute idea......
CQ's Gotcha Day #2 (December 20th) 20 Dec 2008 | 02:41 pm
December 2006 AMAZING. Amazing is the one word that comes to my mind when I think about my baby girl being ALL ours for 2 years. My life is fuller, better, crazier, but most of, complete...because of...
Looking To September, Lawmakers Focus On Health Reform Messages, Measures 20 Aug 2009 | 06:54 am
House Republicans are preparing for September and planning to depict Democratic attempts to reform the health care system as "potentially ruinous to small businesses," CQ Politics reports. Republican ...
45种攻入后台的方法 28 Nov 2011 | 04:53 am
45种攻入后台的方法 1、到Google搜索, inurl:asp 2、到Google,搜索一些关键字,edit.asp? 韩国肉鸡为多,多数为MSSQL数据库! 3、利用挖掘鸡和一个ASP木马: 文件名是login.asp 路径组是/manage/ 关键词是went.asp 用’or’=’or’来登陆 4、以下这个方法因为太多人做过,所以一些网站管理员对此都有防范之心了,...
CQ Worldwide DX Contest 2009 (sunday) 26 Oct 2009 | 02:56 am
Continued with the contest today, worked on 20 and 15 metres. Had some great stateside contacts, and one in Canada. - Thanks for your QSO’s FT-897, 1/2 wave 20metre dipole about 10 metres high facing...
CQ Worldwide DX Contest 2009 (Saturday) 25 Oct 2009 | 09:56 am
I had a couple of hours, so I thought I’d have a go with 10 watts, FT-897, 1/2 wave 20metre dipole about 10 metres high facing E-W from IO91rv Contest Site : Thanks for your QSO...
CQ Planeten 16 Jun 2010 | 11:06 pm