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EEUU, responsable de alrededor de 2 millones de muertes en Irak, pretende invadir Siria para expoliar sus riquezas y abrir una nueva vía comercial al ... 27 Aug 2013 | 02:10 am

---Crímenes de EEUU en Irak--- J. Dougherty, investigador de Iraq Body Count, afirma que EEUU asesinó en Irak “entre 200.000 y 300.000 personas”. Michael O’Hanlon, del Instituto Brookings, calculó u...

Praga, en M.A.R. Editor. con Stefan Zweig, Jan Neruda, Franz Kafka, Alois Jirásek, Karel Capek, Gustav Meyrink... 25 Aug 2013 | 08:21 pm

Praga es más que una ciudad, un espacio mítico, seduce con lentitud a través de los murmullos de sus piedras. En la capital de Bohemia aún es posible encontrarse con el pasado, con la historia. Se hal...

More truman hiroshima related news:

Hiroshima Concert Reports (13/12,14/12) 15 Dec 2008 | 05:32 pm

Real life updates: 1) I went to Malaysia, Desaru, from yesterday (14/12) to yesterday (14/12). Yeah for a one day tour xD Visited an ostrich farm where i fed the ostriches and flailed at the baby ostr...

Voyage en uchronie 22 Feb 2010 | 06:16 am

1947. Deux engins extraterrestres s'écrasent sur la terre. L'un en Sibérie. L'autre à Roswell aux Etats-Unis sous les yeux de Nico, une gamine ayant fait une fugue. A Washington, le Président Truman d...

Her True Colors 20 Apr 2012 | 08:00 am

A curator of an Art Museum in Hiroshima has solved a mystery. A portrait by the acclaimed Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh hangs on their walls. Its been restored twice and that gave rise to the puzzle....

oh hiroshima 9 May 2012 | 08:20 am

özetle: isveç'ten çıktığına şaşırmadığım güzellik. son olarak: "resistance is futile" :)

Autumn In Hiroshima 7 Dec 2011 | 04:51 am

merhaba üzgün kuş, seninle autumn in hiroshima hakkında iki çift laf yapmak istiyorum. bu arkadaşların a sleeping portrait of klara isimli albümünü 4 kere baştan sona dinledim, birinde pür dikkat biri...

Unschooled: President Truman 11 May 2012 | 01:26 pm

On May 8, 1884, future President Harry Truman, the man who would lead the United States through World War II,  was born. The son of a farmer, Truman joined the army at the age of 33 to be able to figh...

Soluna Truman (Eurovision 2012 Video Diary) 28 Feb 2012 | 01:07 pm

Eurovision Video Diary : Episode 22 If you have ever seen the movie “The Trueman Show” you will understand what this is all about. After winning Dansk Melodi Grand Prix I had an endless stream of pre...

Elles n'ont rien vu à Hiroshima 20 Apr 2012 | 02:52 am

Les restes emblématiques du bâtiment officiel ( annexe du ministère du commerce) qui se trouvait au coeur de la zone d'impact. La "cloche de la paix" que chacun peut faire sonner. Son bruit sombre de ...

Kalakalappu 28 Apr 2012 | 06:33 pm

01.Angelina…Singers: Krish, Dr. Burn & Mili Nair 02.Ivalunga Imsai Thaanga Mudiyala…Singers: Amitabh Narayan 03.Masala Cafe…Singers: Rahul Nambiar, Sheeba Truman & Steevevatz 04.Mokkamanusha…Singer...

A bomba atómica 2 Jul 2011 | 02:11 am

Em 6 de Agosto de 1945, a primeira bomba atómica feita pelo homem foi lançada na cidade japonesa de Hiroshima, 3 dias depois seria lançada a segunda em Nagasaki.Estima-se que 200.000 pessoas morreram ...

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