Most twenty seven wishes related news are at:

new adventures = new blog 8 Aug 2012 | 08:52 pm
I never thought my blogging break would extend into a 4 month long hiatus. Many of you have emailed and left comments wondering about my absence and the short answer is- Cole and I bought a house!! Du...
new adventures = new blog 8 Aug 2012 | 08:52 pm
I never thought my blogging break would extend into a 4 month long hiatus. Many of you have emailed and left comments wondering about my absence and the short answer is- Cole and I bought a house!! Du...
More twenty seven wishes related news:
Steam: Buy 30 Games for the Price of One! + Giveaway 21 Dec 2011 | 01:57 am
STEAM SAAAAAALE!! Can you believe it? It’s not like this happens every single day. Really though, the current holiday sale on Steam is crazy! I just got, let me check… yeah, 27 games – twenty-seven – ...
Chapter Twenty Seven: The Evil That Men Do 1 May 2012 | 01:54 am
Love is a razor and I walked the line on that silver blade Slept in the dust with his daughter, her eyes red with The slaughter of innocence And I will pray for her I will call her name out loud ...
Day Twenty-Seven of Adventures in Paradise! 27 Oct 2011 | 07:45 am
Alas, our long trip of Twenty-Nine days is coming to end! Today was our last and final day in Sydney. We decided to once again sleep in late until 10:30 am to recuperate from the previous days of walk...
Facebook Co-Founder Chris Hughes Engaged To Sean Eldridge 20 May 2012 | 10:35 pm
Facebook Co-Founder Chris Hughes Engaged To Sean Eldridge Twenty-seven-year-old Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes — who’s been dubbed “the kid who fabricated Obama president” for acclimation Obama’s s...
Chapter Twenty Seven 15 Apr 2012 | 02:59 am
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false Chapter Twenty-Seven Slayton gazed at Merek behind the iron bars, laughed and shook his head. The others with him didn’t look as amused....
How I Met Your Mother / Hopeless [Season 6/Episode 21] 3 May 2011 | 08:45 am
The year is 2030. Ted Mosby is relaying the story of how he met his wife to his daughter and son. The story starts in the year 2005, when then twenty-seven year old architect Ted was spurred on to wan...
The Letter (Chapter Twenty-Seven) 23 Mar 2009 | 07:48 am
As always, Dennis knew exactly what she needed and provided it. As she stood on the deck of the little cottage at the top of the walkway leading to the shore, she marveled at how well he understood he...
Chapter Twenty-Seven – All’s fair in love and war 5 Apr 2010 | 04:40 am
Lady Luxe winces as her car door swings open and Leila glares down at her, her eyes wild with uninhibited rage. For almost a month, Lady Luxe has spent every waking moment – and occasionally, even sl...
Math Teachers at Play: Three-Cubed Edition 20 Jun 2010 | 09:55 am
Photo Credit: Colin Hall Welcome to the Blog Carnival: Math Teachers at Play! Twenty-seven is one of my favorite numbers, so I was excited to find that “my” edition of the carnival would be number ...
"AAAAH!"ctober Chills: Ebola Syndrome 28 Oct 2011 | 11:40 am
After twenty seven straight days of watching horror movies you begin to think you can’t really be surprised anymore. That is only because you have not yet watched Hong Kong’s Ebola Syndrome. Wow. To ...