Most upper airway resistance syndrome related news are at:
– Doctor Steven Y. Park, MD | New York, NYC | Integrative Solutions for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Upper Airway Resistance Syndrome, and Snoring
Sleep Apnea Treatment Could Lead To Better Heart Health Too 27 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
Guest blog It seems when a person gets the treatment for sleep apnea, it is also improve the heart health. The researchers of the University of Sydney state that post treatment, the patients have sho...
Sleep Apnea Linked To Increased Risk Of Dementia In Elderly Women 23 Aug 2013 | 03:23 pm
Guest blog by Rania Paula According to a latest study, elderly women suffering from sleep apnea problems, which results in the disruptive breathing condition are highly prone to develop dementia with...
More upper airway resistance syndrome related news:
Ive Been Diagnosed With Upper Airway Restistance Syndrome(UARS), I Was Wondering If It Causes Muscle Fatigue? 6 Aug 2012 | 02:14 am
by Robbie Kennedy (Expresbro) Question by : ive been diagnosed with Upper Airway Restistance Syndrome(UARS), i was wondering if it causes muscle fatigue? U.A.R.S is similar to sleep apnea so i wake up...