Most usb dac related news are at:

【使ってみた】JVCのアクションカム“ADIXXION”「GC-XA2」 27 Aug 2013 | 03:01 pm
ソニー、NFC/Wi-Fi搭載のミラーレス一眼「NEX-5T」 27 Aug 2013 | 02:44 pm
ソニーはデジタル一眼カメラ“αシリーズ”のラインナップに、Wi-Fi/NFCやタッチパネル機能を搭載し、「PlayMemories Camera Apps」にも対応したミラーレス一眼カメラ「NEX-5T」を9月13日に発売する。
More usb dac related news:
Best Cheap NuForce Icon HDP High Performance Headphone Amp, DAC and Pre amplifier 29 May 2012 | 08:40 pm
High Performance Headphone Amp, DAC and Preamp<br>The Nuforce Icon HDP incorporates a full-speed USB DAC (24bit/96kHz) and full-function S/PDIF D/A converter (24bit/192kHz), plus a headphone-amplifier...
Hi-Fi Man EF2A Tube USB DAC Headphone Amp 10 Nov 2012 | 03:53 am
The compact EF2A headphone amp from HiFiMan offers a USB input and built in DAC with Burr-Brown PCM2702 chipset for direct connection to your PC. Analog RCA inputs let you plug in a line level source,...
Topping TP30 Amplifier 7 Jan 2013 | 04:18 pm
The Topping TP30 solves the problem of what to do if you want to use regular non-powered speakers with your computer. The TP30 is a small stereo amplifier with a built-in USB DAC to connect to your co...
¤È×î¸ß32bit/384kHz¤Î¥ê¥Ë¥¢PCMÔÙÉú¤ËŒ��ꤹ¤ëUSB DAC 29 Jul 2013 | 03:26 am
GEEK USB DAC: Odd Sounding Name but With Sweet Sound 26 Aug 2013 | 11:19 pm
NAD Digital Series - Ab nun lieferbar... 27 Aug 2013 | 11:00 am
Dieser Tage sind nun mit dem NAD D 1050 USB DAC, NAD D 3020 Hybrid Digital Amplifier sowie NAD D 7050 Direct Digital Network Amplifier alle Komponenten der neuen NAD Digital Series erhältlich.
■iMacの音質改善に、USB-DAC 導入 19 Aug 2013 | 03:20 am
珍しく、オーディオネタ(パソコンネタか)。 以前こちらでBOSEのスピーカー、Companion20を購入した際に、読者の方から進められたDAC。ちょっと気になってたんですよね。もともと2chのHi-Fiオーディオやってる時は、パイオニアのCDPをDACとして、マランツのアンプ経由、JBLの44312でした。そこからいろいろあって、今は卓上オーディオになってますが、Companion20は今も変わ...
Erstes AMD Gaming-Mainboard - G1.Sniper A88X by GIGABYTE 27 Aug 2013 | 01:46 pm
GIGABYTE bringt das erste AMD Gaming-Mainboard auf den Markt: das G1.Sniper A88X Mit zwei exklusiven GIGABYTE-Audiofunktionen: USB DAC-UP und Gain Boost Taipei, Taiwan, 15. August 2013 – GIGABYTE TE...
Meridian Explorer ears-on first impressions 15 Aug 2013 | 03:42 pm
The Meridian Explorer is a new pocket size USB DAC by Cambridge based audio company, Meridian. The portable audio gear is aimed for those who aims to improve the audio quality delivered by their compu...
Ynt: Brainwavz b2 ve Hifimedy Usb Dac'a Alternatif 27 Aug 2013 | 12:28 pm
Hifimediy'in dahili amfisi yok diye biliyorum. Umarım sıkıntı yaratmaz kulaklıkta..