Most use of undefined constant related news are at:

Server-Update 26 Jan 2010 | 10:52 pm
Am Dienstag, 09.02.2010 wird ein Betriebssystem-Update auf dem Server durchgeführt. Der Provider teilt dazu mit, dass im Zuge dieses Updates mit einer kurzen Ausfallzeit des Servers zu rechnen ist. D...
Neuer Server 11 Nov 2008 | 06:30 pm
Nach dem Aufruf vor gut drei Wochen habe ich eine Reihe von Hilfeangeboten von verschiedenen Seiten bekommen. Vielen Dank allen dafür! Die Entscheidung ist für Jimdo gefallen. Christian Springub war ...
More use of undefined constant related news:
Joomla 3 // Use of undefined constant DS – assumed ‘DS’ ou Call to undefined method JController::getInstance() 14 Feb 2013 | 08:17 pm
Si vous utilisez Joomla 3.0 et que vous installez une extension prévue pour le version 2.5, vous risquez d’obtenir différents messages d’erreurs : Call to undefined method JController::getInstance() U...
Error Use of undefined constant CURLOPT_TIMEOUT Pada XAMPP 4 Dec 2012 | 07:22 pm
Jika Anda mengalami error seperti ini Use of undefined constant CURLOPT_TIMEOUT – assumed ‘CURLOPT_TIMEOUT’ pada XAMPP itu dikarenakan Curl belum di enable. Cara meng-enable curl pada XAMPP adalah edi...
PHP出现Notice : Use of undefined constant 完美解决方案 1 Nov 2012 | 05:41 pm
进入网站会出现大量类似下面的提示,但是可以正常显示和运行 Notice: Use of undefined constant - assumed XXXXXXX 答案:这些是 PHP 的提示而非报错,PHP 本身不需要事先声明变量即可直接使用,但是对未声明变量会有提示。一般作为正式的网站会把提示关掉的,甚至连错误信息也被关掉 关闭 PHP 提示的方法 搜索php.ini: er...
Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle PDF 8 Aug 2011 | 07:00 pm
Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle PDF download is a new, revolutionary way to transform your body in seven short weeks without using diet pills, constant workouts or extreme dieting. How quickly can I exp...
Technology and I 28 Dec 2010 | 05:18 am
I am going up a very steep learning curve with communication technology these days. I have started doing webinars, using services like constant contact, have created a web page that uses a technology ...
Java Tip: Declaring final variable elegantly using Assigner Design Pattern 4 Mar 2010 | 05:47 am
Issue Final variable is used to define constant value and reference, and can only define once. In most cases, declaring a final variable is just a matter of assigning to a primitive value or a object...
How to detect and identify carriage returns in a textarea in PHP 24 Jun 2012 | 04:40 pm
You can detect carriage returns or newlines in a textarea upon form submission by using the PHP_EOL constant. You can also use the nl2br() function but that function replaces the carriage returns with...
Appcelerator Titanium: Deploy Your Skills to Create Multiple Performed App 25 Jun 2013 | 10:49 am
Now-a-days, smart-phones become the necessity of every new person as they help a lot in our day-to-day life no matter whether it is for a personal or business use. With the constant increase in the de...
Discover Your Metabolic Effect Burner Type 6 Aug 2013 | 12:29 am
Discover Your Metabolic Type Sugar (carbs) and fat are the two primary Fuels that a body uses. We are constantly burning both of these fuels. However, our lifestyle as well as our genetics can deter...
Casual English Idioms 6 Jun 2013 | 10:31 am
English idioms are perhaps the most difficult part of casual English. In casual English, idioms are used frequently and constantly. If you don't understand a lot of common idioms, you won't understand...