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Verizon VS AT&T (Web Sites Load Time) 5 Feb 2011 | 04:24 am
This Web Sites Load time tests use Verizon iPhone 4 device, various results shows on other devices. For fair result, cnet team use 3 different time when doing this test. Early morning, Late afternoon ...
The iMessage kills SMS Service 17 Oct 2011 | 01:44 pm
You have heard it correctly iMessage has literally killed the SMS service. For those of who have been using the iPhone and are well aware of its generalized features will know that Apple was exclusive...
Chanel 30 Sep 2011 | 12:27 am
What I wore to the show Chanel held in Melbourne Sorry for the shitty photo's of the show, I used my iphone. Zara blazer - Alice Mccall Dress - Chanel bag - Miu Miu heels
ARDefender: iPhone Augmented Reality game 24 Sep 2010 | 08:07 pm
ARDefender is a Augmented Reality game that seems to be a load of fun. It is a marker based camera view game. The target is to destroy an army that attacks a tower which you control using your iPhone...
Why does the package for my iPhone 4S case say 'iPhone 4'? 8 Feb 2012 | 12:48 pm
Some of our universal cases, which work with the AT&T iPhone 4, the Verizon iPhone 4, and the iPhone 4S, may be in packaging that says iPhone 4. As long as you ordered an item that is specified as com...
Half there Verizon iPhone’s iOS 4.2.5 is bridge to iOS 4.3 or iOS 5 18 Feb 2011 | 11:25 pm
Even with advent of the Verizon Communications apple iphone, iOS 4.3 just can not take a rest. Get used to the mouthful of the brand name recognized like iOS 4.2.5 instead, for now at least. The never...
Light Blue Replicase Hard Crystal Air Jacket Case for AT&T iPhone 4 4G 16GB 32GB GSM 12 Nov 2011 | 09:02 pm
Light Blue Replicase Hard Crystal Air Jacket Case for AT&T iPhone 4 4G 16GB 32GB GSM List Price : $ 0.01 Price : $ 0.01 Features Description Pictures Reviews Fits BOTH at&t and Verizon iPhone 4...
iPhone Coming to Verizon on February 10 12 Jan 2011 | 07:13 am
It finally happened. The Verizon iPhone was announced this morning and will be available on February 10 for $199(16 GB) or $299(32 GB). For more information see Engadget's coverage.
Jailbreak iPhone 4 4.1: Unlock Your Phone’s Full Potential! 7 Nov 2011 | 11:49 am
Ever tried using the Jailbreak iPhone 4 4.1 in order to unlock your iPhone? This is just one of the cool stuff that allows users to use their iPhone on other networks aside from At&t, Verizon, especia...
Apple iPhone 4S 16GB – AT&T – Black 18 Apr 2012 | 11:14 am
16GB iPhone 4S locked AT&T model. Will work on AT&T. Now you can use your voice to use your iPhone. Just talk to Siri as you would to a person: "Do I need an umbrella?" or "Any great burgers around h...