Most virtualbox clone virtual machine related news are at:

Writing Android event handlers in Kotlin 8 Jul 2013 | 02:07 pm
Published: 2013-06-08 Kotlin is Jetbrains successor to Java, this brief post arose from my playing with the M5.3 Kotlin release on the Android platform. Kotlin can synthesize anonymous SAM class ins...
Configuring NUT for the Eaton 3S UPS on Ubuntu Linux 27 Feb 2013 | 05:54 am
Published: 2013-02-27 This post explains how to configure Network UPS Tools (NUT) to work with an Eaton 3S UPS on a stand-alone Ubuntu 12.04 PC. Network UPS Tools (NUT) seems to be the most widely s...
More virtualbox clone virtual machine related news: virtual machines 23 Jun 2013 | 08:16 pm
OpenMandriva proudly announces the “Get it ready” project. Now you can download a pre-installed virtualbox OpenMandriva virtual machine ready to run in your system. C’mon, get it ready at http:/...
How to install Windows 8 contiguous with normal OS 6 Oct 2011 | 02:41 am
1. VirtualBox can be installed in most new Intel or AMD. Requires 30 MB of disk space for your own code base, and we’ll recommend a 60 GB additional space for each virtual machine to install, since it...
How to install a Windows XP virtual machine using a SATA controller in Virtual Box 19 Jun 2011 | 03:23 am
SATA controllers show better performance in comparison to the IDE ones, even in emulated environment like the Virtual Box's one. To create a VirtualBox virtual machine that uses an emulated SATA contr...
Script Control dan Autobackup VMware Server 2 5 Mar 2012 | 10:03 pm
Setelah kemarin ngoprek virtualbox, kali ini giliran ngoprek VMware, yaitu bagaimana membackup file virtual machine (VM) nya VMware Server 2 secara otomatis. VMware Server yang saya gunakan berjalan d...
Script Autostart VirtualBox Machine di Ubuntu 3 Mar 2012 | 12:11 am
Ini adalah lanjutan dari proyek membuat pc-remote, yang didalemnya terdapat virtul box untuk menjalankan windows xp. Dan ternyata tulisan saya tentang autostart virtual box virtual machine (VM), tidak...
Autostart VirtuaBox Virtual Machine 24 Feb 2012 | 06:54 pm
Hari ini lagi iseng ngakalin VirtualBox yang jalan di PC Ubuntu saya, tujuannya agar guest OS windows-nya langsung jalan pas PCnya dinyalain. Mungkin ini cuma hal sepele, tapi kalau buat newbe seperti...
Managing KVM-LVM based virtual machines: backups, cloning, and more 21 May 2012 | 09:00 am
In this follow up I'll mention a few commands that I use to do basic management of my KVM virtual machines - things such as backups, cloning VMs and more. [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my ...
The Perfect Windows 7 LAMP using Ubuntu and Virtualbox 3 Aug 2011 | 08:55 am
The purpose of this blog post is to get you running a reliable, Unix-based web development environment on top of Windows 7, using Virtuabox to create an Ubuntu virtual machine. It's an improvement on ...
Windows 8, VMWare, HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED, VirtualBox and broken network bridging 6 Oct 2011 | 09:02 am
A couple of days ago I downloaded Windows 8 to port my C++ code to this new platform. I tried to install Windows 8 into my good old VMWare Workstation 5.5.9 where I run my other virtual machines, but ...
Menginstall Adobe Photoshop CS2 di atas Ubuntu 10.04 di dalam VirtualBox 3.2.6 1 Aug 2010 | 01:49 am
Beberapa hari yang lalu terlintas keinginan untuk mencoba Ubuntu 10.04 di Virtual Machine, karena penasaran dengan kemampuan WINE (Windows Emulator) pada Linux. Pertama-tama saya mencoba menggunakan V...