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DuPont Pioneer - Partnerség, ami tovább növeli a gazdák sikerét 1 Aug 2013 | 01:59 pm
A DuPont Pioneer 2013. június 25-28. között Margitszigeten és a szarvasi Vetőmagüzemben tartotta meg az idei Farmer Klub összejövetelét. „A második évben megtartott népszerű rendezvénysorozat immár tú...
DuPont Pioneer - Fél tonna a Clearfield® javára! 11 Jul 2013 | 12:59 pm
Az első repcéit 2006-ban vezette be Magyarországon a DuPont Pioneer, 2012 óta pedig már piacvezető a hibrid repcék értékesítésében. A siker annak a rendkívül bőséges kínálatnak köszönhető, amit több m...
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Szolgálati közlemény! 24 Aug 2012 | 12:20 am
Nem szűnt meg a Tomakonyha, nem kell megijedni! Csak némi nemű számítástechnikai vis major történt a laptopommal, ezért szünetel egy ideje a blog. Jelenleg is folyik a gépem helyreállítása, az adatáll...
Sunday Clash Between Manchester United And Arsenal 30 Apr 2011 | 09:39 pm
As the Manchester United have essentially wrapped up the English Premier League title as well as took one a major step toward advancing to the Champions League Final, they are on a roll. When they vis...
A dollar drought 30 May 2012 | 02:08 am
One of the major explanations for the dollar’s continuing outperformance vis-a-vis other major currencies is simply that the pool of high quality assets around the world is shrinking. The latter is es...
10a ed. Torneig Festa Major TERRASSA 2013 11 Jun 2013 | 02:01 am
Arriba la 10a edició del Torneig de Pàdel de la Festa major de Terrassa, per a aquesta ocasió comptem amb l'organització de Padelvalles i Vis a Vis. Aquesta prova estarà dins del Circuit VisaVis Pàdel...
Monday and Friday Best Days for Facebook Engagement 21 Aug 2013 | 11:34 pm
By Ishbel Macleod (The Drum) The majority of Facebook posts are made on Thursday and Friday, but Monday is one of the best days for engagement, research by Socialbakers has found. For the story, vis...
Monday and Friday Best Days for Facebook Engagement 21 Aug 2013 | 11:34 pm
By Ishbel Macleod (The Drum) The majority of Facebook posts are made on Thursday and Friday, but Monday is one of the best days for engagement, research by Socialbakers has found. For the story, vis...
Monday and Friday Best Days for Facebook Engagement 21 Aug 2013 | 11:34 pm
By Ishbel Macleod (The Drum) The majority of Facebook posts are made on Thursday and Friday, but Monday is one of the best days for engagement, research by Socialbakers has found. For the story, vis...
BLACK COLLEGE STUDENTS GETTING BLEACH THROWN IN THEIR FACES 27 Aug 2013 | 03:25 pm - "Where Everything Cool is Hott!" (BlackMediaScoop) Racism continues to plague a major college in the South. According to reports by ThinkProgress, Bryan Davis, a black student, was vis...
Monday and Friday Best Days for Facebook Engagement 21 Aug 2013 | 11:34 pm
By Ishbel Macleod (The Drum) The majority of Facebook posts are made on Thursday and Friday, but Monday is one of the best days for engagement, research by Socialbakers has found. For the story, vis...