Most visual studio just-in-time debugger related news are at:

移民要时刻注意 人与人不要靠得太近 12 Jun 2013 | 08:56 am
人类喜欢群居,抱团,渴望一种互相的精神取暖。尤其是移民,远离从小熟悉的环境,亲友,文化,习俗, 那种滋养心灵生命的甘泉被生生的剥离,被割断。很多的价值观,惯性思维行为,追求被重新颠覆,重新定义。所以更加需要用新的介质来替代。而朋友情,同胞亲在异国它乡就 ...
申请经验移民因工资低遭拒 上诉获重审 12 Jun 2013 | 08:53 am
一名中国留学生毕业后在律师事务所工作,并申请“加拿大经验移民”(Canadian Experience),但移民官认为其薪资低于一般律师事务所的平均薪资,不符申请资格。她不服提起上诉,法官裁定重审,但要求联邦尽速厘清“加拿大经验”申请人是否需通过平均薪资审查。 中国留学 ...
More visual studio just-in-time debugger related news:
Debugging Errors on startup /Corel draw 13. 10 Jan 2012 | 11:13 pm
Multiple Debugging Errors on startup /Corel draw 13. I.if I start Corel Photopaint X3 I get multiple Just-In-Time-Debugger Messageboxes. I got the german version. it is sayed in german: ANS: 1. Up...
Just in time debugger keeps popping up in Visual Studio 2008 8 Feb 2011 | 03:15 pm
With VS 2008 this is an odd thing that just in time debugger keeps popping up when you have javascript url set with a script tag on the page. For example I find it very annoying as it keeps popping ...
Debugging Errors on startup /Corel draw 13. 10 Jan 2012 | 06:13 pm
Multiple Debugging Errors on startup /Corel draw 13. I.if I start Corel Photopaint X3 I get multiple Just-In-Time-Debugger Messageboxes. I got the german version. it is sayed in german: ANS: 1. Up...
Prosecco Alone Does Not a Sunday Make 15 Feb 2013 | 06:34 am
Alessia Prekop was our last show on Sunday evening and we had slipped into Eyebeam Studios just in time. The first look was already halfway down the runway -- a sleek, futuristic coat that paired well...
Reload All the Things! 30 May 2013 | 09:44 pm
In Visual Studio, how many times a day must I click the Reload All button? Switching between many branches a day, this has definitely worsened with the increased usage of git. Apparently the git + VS ...
Microsoft .Net Programmers Forum 1 Jun 2010 | 05:25 am
Once upon a time in a land far away I owned the most popular visual basic programming forum. I sold that forum along with a start up Visual Studio programming forum. Since that time I went on to other...
Silverlight Hata Ayıklama (Debugger) Aktif Hale Getirme 5 Apr 2012 | 08:23 pm
Silverlight projemizi çalıştırdığımızda breakpoint koyduğumuz yerlere düşmüyorsa, silverlight için hata ayıklama (debugger) aktif değil demektir. Bunu visual studio solution içindeki silverlight Web p...
ASP.NET MVC 1.0 Release Candidate Is Released 28 Jan 2009 | 04:31 pm
Time to dig into the T4 template system (learn here) in Visual Studio since they added a cool feature for generating scaffold controllers and views. Check out ScottGu's Article, of course. I am thinki...
Implementing your own base class for user controls in Silverlight 2 9 Jun 2008 | 01:56 pm
The objective is to create your own base class for user controls to implement application related features and at the same time also use the features provided by the Visual Studio (i.e. auto generate ...
Converting Silverlight 1.1 Alpha projects to Silverlight 2 Beta 1 6 Mar 2008 | 02:03 pm
Just installed the runtime and Silverlight Tools for Visual Studio 2008. You can find the necessary tools here. The beta 1 now has a good set of controls including Data Grid, cool! To run the Silverl...