Most volvo ocean race valencia related news are at:

WE MOVED TO 29 Dec 2010 | 06:04 am
Dear readers & friends, This is the last post of the Valencia Sailing blog. As of today, please change your bookmarks to
Wild Oats XI first boat to Hobart 28 Dec 2010 | 11:18 pm
[Source: Rolex Sydney Hobart] Bob Oatley’s champion 100-foot supermaxi Wild Oats XI has reasserted its claim as one of Australia’s greatest ocean racing yachts by being first across the Rolex Sydney H...
More volvo ocean race valencia related news:
Volvo Ocean Race: CAMPER oltre Capo Horn 12 Apr 2012 | 12:30 am
Con l'arrivo di Groupama ieri nel porto di Itajaì, resta ora un solo team in regata. CAMPER with Emirates Team New Zeland prosegue la sua marcia solitaria e alle 2.25 della notte ha doppiato Capo Horn...
Volvo Ocean Boat Charters 15 May 2012 | 09:32 am
Hey, the time is here the races start in Miami this Friday May 18t. with the Pro-Am races. This is the only day with three races for the Volvo Ocean Race. View the race course below. We are providing...
In-port Racing Boat Charters for the Volvo Ocean race in Miami. 29 Apr 2012 | 05:00 am
In-port Racing for the Volvo Ocean race in Miami. Short, sharp, and intense The in-port racing during this edition of the Volvo Ocean Race is sure to be among the highlights of the entire event. Thi...
Corina Porro: deshumanizaciones de todo a cien y peligrosas 18 Feb 2011 | 09:44 am
El 12 de noviembre de 2005 se produjo un acontecimiento en la ciudad que no fue todo lo maravilloso que nos vendieron: la Volvo Ocean Race, un evento marítimo de gran importancia que para los medios (...