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Mark DeWeaver on the Skyscraper index in China 27 Aug 2013 | 03:02 am
In today’s Mises Daily article, “A Skyscraper Curse with Chinese Characteristics,” Mark DeWeaver discusses the economic situation in China, and moves on to discuss the likelihood of an economic crisis...
Saved $17,000 by not claiming on insurance 26 Aug 2013 | 02:32 am
This is a very valuable article about the changing nature of healthcare. Going forward in time you may not have great health insurance policies, higher deductibles and less coverage. In this case the ...
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Jaga Mudamu Sebelum Pensiunmu… 27 May 2010 | 05:32 pm
Di awal tahun 50-an ada ekonom kondang Ludwig Von Mises yang menggambarkan kondisi para pensiunan di Amerika Serikat sebagai orang-orang yang di-authanasia-kan oleh pemerintahnya (seperti orang sakit ...
Freiheit statt Demokratie? (9): Noch einmal reine Theorie. Eigentum und Aneignung 2 Sep 2011 | 12:04 am
Als ich vor geraumer Zeit begann, mich mit dem Werk des Ökonomen Hans Hermann Hoppe, sowie mittlerweile auch mit denen Ludwig von Mises und Murray N. Rothbards zu beschäftigen, setzte eine Revolution ...
An Introduction to Austrian Economics with Israel Kirzner 23 Dec 2011 | 09:31 pm
Israel Kirzner is an Austrian economist and one of the world's foremost experts on Ludwig von Mises's methodology and thought. Here he speaks at a Future of Freedom Foundation event on December 21, 19...
Ludwig von Mises 11 Jun 2011 | 06:29 pm
Este foi o último discurso formal de Ludwig Von Mises, (1881-1973), pronunciado em 02 de maio de 1970, num seminário de Economia patrocinado pela Sociedade de Praxeologoia, Seatlle, Washington. Foi as...
Unkalkulierbar: Warum der Sozialismus wirtschaftlich scheitert 26 May 2011 | 07:55 am
Der Ökonom Ludwig von Mises zeigt, dass die sozialistische Wirtschaft aufgrund der Unkalkulierbarkeit von Produktionsfaktoren scheitern muss.
The 99 and the 1 14 May 2012 | 05:51 pm
Luisana Lopilato and the 99% Not only do the 99% put up with the ruling 1%; they put them up on their lofty pedestals. The 99% give the 1% their power. As Ludwig von Mises made clear, real power, wh...
(Vídeo) Murray Rothbard Gives a Tribute to Ludwig von Mises 21 Jun 2012 | 05:25 pm
In this never-before-seen video, Rothbard gives a tribute to his mentor in Austrian economics, Ludwig von Mises, at a Libertarian Party convention in Pennsylvania in 1984. Rothbard discusses Mises's w...
Adam T. Witczak – Ekonomiczne mity za zasłoną pustosłowia 19 Jul 2012 | 07:06 pm
Niewątpliwą zaletą austriackiej szkoły ekonomii (a więc tej, którą rozwijali Ludwig von Mises czy Murray Rothbard) jest fakt, że swoje koncepcje prezentuje w formie logicznych wnioskowań, wyprowadzany...
(Vídeo) Murray Rothbard Gives a Tribute to Ludwig von Mises 21 Jun 2012 | 05:25 pm
In this never-before-seen video, Rothbard gives a tribute to his mentor in Austrian economics, Ludwig von Mises, at a Libertarian Party convention in Pennsylvania in 1984. Rothbard discusses Mises's w...