Most wafa sultan religião related news are at:

A guerra quente 11 Dec 2008 | 08:26 am
por Alberto Gonçalves, Sociólogoin Correio da Manhã, 7.Fev.2007 A Esquerda manipula idiotas úteis e segue a alternativa ecológica: o aquecimento global é a via ‘verde’ e ‘despoluída’ do anti-americani...
O cristianismo é um «insulto» ao islão 11 Dec 2008 | 08:26 am
Depois e ter sido imã numa mesquita do Cairo, Ahmed Hussein el-Akkad, antigo proselitista islamista converteu-se ao cristianismo após uma lrga reflexão e apelando à razão:«A pessoa que estuda as duas ...
More wafa sultan religião related news:
UMA MULHER DE CORAGEM 4 Mar 2006 | 06:47 am
As extraordinárias declarações de Wafa Sultan aqui. Via O Insurgente.
NEW BOOK: A God Who Hates 13 Oct 2009 | 07:33 am
Available Oct 13, 2009: You can buy Wafa Sultan's new book A GOD WHO HATES from these online retailers: AMAZON.COM BARNES & NOBLE An article about the book Choosing Freedom over Islam, and t...
Be proud of our plural society 21 Nov 2010 | 04:36 pm
IT was simply refreshing. At a time when some politicians seem to take pride in posturing their racial and religious identities, it was heartening to read about Raja Zarith Sofea Sultan Idris Shah dec...
Robertson Quay, Mohd Sultan, Clarke Quay – Singapore Location Tour 8 May 2013 | 03:56 pm
Living at Robertson Quay & Mohamed Sultan – It is said the name connotes royalty and religiosity and true enough, visitors are guaranteed of a religiously good time after hours. Once a quiet street, M...