Most wcg related news are at:

2013 Member Study: Findings and Next Steps 19 Aug 2013 | 08:12 pm
Overview of the findings from the March 2013 member study and how World Community Grid is changing in response to this valuable member feedback.
Say No to Schistosomiasis project update 16 Aug 2013 | 06:23 pm
Project updates from the World Community Grid forums
More wcg related news:
WCG 2008 Preview 5 Nov 2008 | 01:00 pm
A close look at Team UK
DOTLAN, WCG, Cebit the third 18 Mar 2007 | 07:47 pm
The third year in a row, the organizers of the WCG 2007 Samsung Euro Championship are using the DOTLAN System for the tournament organisation with success to make this event to something spe...
DOTLAN, WCG, Cebit die Dritte 18 Mar 2007 | 12:42 am
Das dritte Jahr in Folge arbeiten die Ausrichter der WCG 2007 Samsung Euro Championship erfolgreich mit DOTLAN zusammen um aus dem Event etwas besonderes zu machen. Die gesamte Fläche d...
DOTLAN 1.2.4, WCG Online Qualifier 2 Jul 2006 | 05:03 am
The new DOTLAN version includes several enhancements in the catering system and in the presentation system. DOTLAN supports the selections which players will represent Germany on the WCG in Monza (Ita...
DOTLAN 1.2.4, WCG Online Qualifier 2 Jul 2006 | 05:01 am
Die neue DOTLAN Version beinhaltet Verbesserungen im Cateringsystem sowie einige Optionen im Beamer System. DOTLAN hilft bei der Auswahl welche Spieler Deutschland für die WCG in Monza (Italien) vertr...
Rýchla správa: Dnes začína WCG 2011 Francúzko, sledujte online! 4 Jul 2011 | 12:07 am
Čítajte dnu...
il progetto world community grid... 26 Mar 2006 | 12:43 am
Il progetto in questione si propone di creare la più grande griglia di calcolo distribuito del mondo per la ricerca di cure contro malattie varie. La WCG è supportata da eminenti organismi internazion...
MiT vincono "WCG 2011 ITA" con Tekken 6 8 Oct 2011 | 07:44 pm
CS For Fun 13 Mar 2010 | 04:57 am
Vì nhiều lí do mà Spirit đã inactive CS đã gần 2 năm kể từ WCG 2008 mà hẵn các bạn có theo dõi blog Spirit thì cũng biết tại sao. Gần đây teammate của Spirit là KungA có ý muốn bắn CS lại cho vui vì ...
WCG wraca do Korei 26 Feb 2011 | 12:40 am
Wczorajszego dnia poznać mogliśmy lokalizacje jedenastych finałów World Cyber Games. Jak wspomniałem w nagłówku tego newsa organizatorzy powracają z finałami do państwa, które jest kolebką owych rozgr...