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jerseys 4 Aug 2012 | 10:22 pm

It is nice to see that football is one game which can effectively wean the child away from the computer games and mindless television viewing|It is nice to see that football is one g ame which can eff...

An Unexpected Weaning 6 Jun 2013 | 05:10 am

I originally planned to breastfeed for a year if all went well.  Then I learned about child led weaning and decided to breastfeed until they graduated high school.  No, not really.  But close.  It fel...

Epic Chocolate, Porter and Potato Cake and a story of spuds 22 Aug 2013 | 02:16 am

I didn’t eat potatoes until I was 30. Not voluntarily at least. Like almost every other Irish child I was weaned on milk-and-butter-rich pandy. But it wasn’t too long before I began to assert an early...

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