Most web developing blog greece related news are at:

Mangento how to clean log files with cron job 29 Jul 2013 | 02:51 am
You have to add in your cron job section, in cpanel for example the following php -f/home/fullah/public_html/shell/log.php That way, you keep your database size in proper size 16 Mar 2013 | 11:46 am magento site
More web developing blog greece related news:
Purchased movies or songs won’t sync to iPad, iPhone, iPod? This might help… 27 Feb 2012 | 01:38 am
This is a slightly random post for a web development blog but i spent a couple of hours last night trying to sync some movies i’d purchased via iTunes to my iPad and despite checking the movies in the...
A little something while you wait 2 Feb 2010 | 12:46 pm
I know, I know it’s been a while since I posted. There’s one on the way, I promise! While you wait for it to brew, however, why don’t you check out my inaugural post on the BBC Web Developer blog: CS...
Our favorite web development blogs 31 Aug 2011 | 10:00 pm
Noupe Noupe passionately delivers stylish and dynamic news for designers and web-developers across the globe on all subjects of design; ranging from CSS, Ajax, Javascript, web design, graphics, typog...
Chinese Hospitality 23 May 2011 | 12:03 pm
This post was first published on October 6, 2007, on my web development blog. After 4 months of blogging, I had my first enforced break and have been away from my computer for 5 days. I didn’t really...
DevHeart - Web Development Blog 2 Apr 2010 | 10:22 pm
Today I officially launched DevHeart, a web development blog that I will run together with my brother. Check it out!
Orange County Website Design and E commerce Web Development Blog - Part 2 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Orange County Website Design and E commerce Web Development Blog - Part 2
It’s Opus, it rocks and now it’s an audio codec standard! ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog 12 Sep 2012 | 03:51 pm
Good news from the audio codec side. Opus, which can be seen as the next generation Speex I guess, is now an IETF standard. It’s probably a good idea to put it in pjmedia, as we do now with Speex, so ...
Chinese Hospitality 23 May 2011 | 05:03 am
This post was first published on October 6, 2007, on my web development blog. After 4 months of blogging, I had my first enforced break and have been away from my computer for 5 days. I didn’t really...
Responsive Design – a Buzz Word or Web Designers’ Way Forward? 3 Jul 2013 | 12:56 pm
As mobile devices are increasingly popular, there’s a technical term which is echoing louder than ever in web design studios, web development blogs and other design-related circles: responsive design....
Why look, I have a blog… 19 May 2009 | 05:56 pm
Hey here I am, another web developer with a blog! My own place to discuss the exciting topics we web devs love to argue about endlessly on our quest to make better websites for people to use. Excitin...