Most weirdest website on the internet related news are at:

3D Chocolatier brings a new angle to TV chefs 14 Feb 2012 | 02:00 am
Will Torrent, award winning patissier & chocolatier appears in new 3D pilot
Prince Andrew attends BETT exhibition at Olympia 14 Feb 2012 | 02:00 am
Infomentor Stand has Royal visit at BETT
More weirdest website on the internet related news:
The Cookie Crumb Trail: Website to Website Tracking 15 Aug 2010 | 07:16 pm
Most internet users are probably aware that the websites they visit may collect information on them. It is common practice for a website to record details such as how often a user visits the website, ...
Police issue paedophile warning over ‘Pedobear’ internet joke 14 Sep 2010 | 03:54 pm
‘Police in the US have issued a bizarre warning to parents about a ‘paedophile’ cartoon bear that was created by a website as in internet joke. [..] Now police in San Luis Obispo in California appear...
Make your WordPress Site Faster (without plugins) 6 Mar 2012 | 04:45 pm
No one likes it slow, especially when it comes to Websites. Though the Internet speed governs the rate at which a Web Page loads, as a Site Owner (and Developer), you can do a few things to make the ...
10 Things That Help Make A Successful Website 9 Sep 2008 | 01:37 am
Today the Internet is highly competitive, it is not longer good enough to just create a website and watch the money roll in. Modern websites have to go that extra mile if they want to see a good retur...
ADA: One of the Most Dangerous Diabetes Websites on the Internet 15 May 2012 | 10:00 pm
Our Latest Published Articles Imagine you’re the one hearing the news from your doctor. “It’s diabetes. And it’s bad. We need to get aggressive about treatment right away.” What would you do next? Th...
How to Choose a Web hosting service? 16 Apr 2012 | 07:03 pm
Are you planning to have your own website? Have you decided about the name? Is the name available? Who will keep your website on the Internet? Where should you store the information? If you have b...
Rahasia suksesnya, dan 18 Mar 2011 | 09:13 pm
Setelah hampir 8 tahun membantu sejumlah perusahaan dalam pembuatan website dan melakukan Internet Marketing untuk memajukan website mereka, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk memiliki webstore sendiri. K...
Cara Membuat Website 7 Jun 2011 | 10:29 pm
Jumlah pengguna Internet di Indonesia ditahun 2010 dalam waktu dekat diperkirakan akan mencapai 57,8 Juta Pemakai. Hal ini tentu saja menjadikan dunia maya ini menjadi sebuah pasar tersendiri yang men...
Cara Memasang Script Alexa tanpa gambar 9 May 2009 | 02:50 am
Hola-hola, alexa merupakan sebuah website yang dipercaya di internet sebagai acuan seberapa besar traffic yang dimiliki sebuah web, kunjungan tersebut menentukan rangking website kita di internet. Sep...
HTML5 In The Wild 7 Jan 2012 | 12:45 am
HTML5 is the latest version of the code behind all websites on the Internet. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is developing it, based on a specification written by the WHATWG. It’s been a long time...