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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - the Joss Whedon trailer. 27 Aug 2013 | 03:50 pm Less than a month to go now.
"Writers Cabin" - Fan animation puts Joss Whedon and other TV creators in one place 27 Aug 2013 | 01:02 am , to make them write the perfect show. From talented Israeli animators Leigh Lahav & Tom Trager, also creators of the hilarious Thorested Development, Fangirls and other f...
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50+ Beautiful Artworks Of Buffy The Vampire Slayer 13 Aug 2010 | 11:47 pm
Buffy The Vampire Slayer is one of the popular TV series in 1997 – 2003 created by Josh Whedon. The story is an adventure of Buffy Anne Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar), a vampire killer with her frien...
Surprise: Fox RENEWS 'Dollhouse' 16 May 2009 | 01:00 pm
In a stunning move, sources say Fox has renewed Joss Whedon's "Dollhouse" for next fall.
"The Cabin in the Woods" review 8 May 2012 | 02:37 pm
The Cabin in the Woods (2011) Director: Drew Goddard Writers: Joss Whedon, Drew Goddard Kristen Connolly ... Dana Chris Hemsworth ... Curt Anna Hutchison ... Jules Fran Kranz ... Marty Jesse William...
Critique Avengers 30 Apr 2012 | 04:16 am
J'ai vu mercredi le film trés attendu: Avengers. Réalisé par Joss Whedon (créateur de buffy). C'est un film réunissant: iron man,hulk, captain america et thor. Ils doivent combattre Loki (le frére de ...
The Avengers, Ketika Tokoh Komik Marvel Kumpul Jadi Satu 1 May 2012 | 03:40 pm
Apa jadinya bila 6 pahlawan super alias super hero beraksi dalam satu film? Pastinya yang terjadi adalah aksi dan laga yang hebat! Film The Avengers arahan sutradara Joss Whedon ini akan membawa kita ...
The Avengers 23 May 2012 | 02:36 pm
Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans, Tom Hiddleston Directed by Joss Whedon Let me sprint right to the point: The Avengers has it all. And then some....
The Avengers Movie 2012 4 May 2012 | 08:39 pm
Movie Information Directed by: Joss Whedon Produced by: Kevin Feign Screenplay by: Joss Whedon Story by: Zak Penn, Joss Whedon. Based on: The Avengers by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby. Starring: Robert D...
Secret Origins: Black Widow (Bronze Age) 5 May 2012 | 03:26 pm
So, forgive my “mistake” yesterday regarding the original Black Widow being in Joss Whedon’s Avengers film. Of course I knew that was the case, and just used it as an excuse to showcase an otherwise o...
The Avengers - Whedon Delivers the Ultimate Comic Book Film 8 May 2012 | 05:25 pm
As far as comic book films go, you'd be hard pressed to find one better than Joss Whedon's "The Avengers", the culmination of years' worth of planning by Marvel Studios. By Sean Collins-Smith.
The Avengers (Film) Movie 2012 26 May 2012 | 07:50 pm
The Avengers "Film" Movie wallpaper in the year 2012 The Avengers - the film is scripted and directed by Joss Whedon and features an ensemble cast that includes Robert Downey, Jr., Chris Evans, Mark ...