Most wicked weather related news are at:

EPA: Endangerment Finding Shows Greenhouse Gases Threaten Health and Welfare of the American People. 8 Dec 2009 | 11:22 am
The findings do not in and of themselves impose any emission reduction requirements but rather allow EPA to finalize the GHG standards proposed earlier this year for new light-duty vehicles as part of...
enXco Orders 70 Wind Turbines from REpower. 8 Dec 2009 | 11:13 am
The 70 REpower MM92 turbines, each with a rated capacity of 2.05 MW, are slated for delivery in 2011
More wicked weather related news:
Signs of the Times. Wicked Weather. 16 Jul 2013 | 08:14 pm
Reporting the Signs of the Times, here is a bit on how drastically the weather is changing worldwide. Due to these changes, you and your families need to prepare your home and your family in... [[ T...
Thinking of Warmer Weather 7 Mar 2012 | 10:00 pm
Cooperating with: Wordless Wednesday
Punny Poll #35: Can You Survive on Five-Day-A-Week Mail? 31 Jul 2009 | 04:10 pm
Last week’s month’s … uh, last year’s (crap, sorry) Punny Poll asked how bad weather had affected your finances. If you can remember back to last year, the entire Midwest of the United States was des...
Cycling Clothing for Various Weather Conditions 6 Oct 2011 | 03:42 am
It is important to wear the right cycling clothing for the various weather conditions. In autumn as the climate starts to cool down in the UK you should start to think about wearing the right combinat...
How to Conduct an Analysis Online in your Market for Research 27 Dec 2011 | 01:49 pm
So you’ve decided to take the big step and take on something big huh? If you wasn’t interested in becoming wickedly wealthy in the niche you are trying to pursue then you would not be here on this pag...
Color, Cut and Build Your Own Snowman 30 Dec 2011 | 05:59 pm
Build a snowman no matter what the weather with our print, color, cut and build your own snowman activity. Encourage the kids to be creative – print on thicker paper, paste onto cardboard, add glitter...
Wicked Cool Contortionist - Chris Cross 5 Apr 2010 | 06:46 pm
Chris Cross, his name does him justice for sure since he can cross any body part across another…. or so it seems. The man does seem to pull off some crazy stunts that make most of us scratch our heads...
Thirsty crops withering 30 May 2012 | 01:24 pm
This spring’s hot and dry weather has been both a blessing and a curse for area farmers.[...]
The Rustless Wonder – The Great Indian Iron Pillar of Gupta Dynasty 17 Dec 2011 | 02:22 am
What would you call a 1600 year old metallic structure which weighs more than six tonnes made of pure iron exposed to the harsh weather and shows no signs of rusting? This remarkable monument is the f...
When the Chips Are in, Your Pets Are Safe 30 Sep 2009 | 05:48 am
own Spring is in the air and it’s a great time for an outdoor escape — just not for your beloved pets. If your dog or cat has cabin fever, nice weather might be just enticing enough for them to pull...