Most world of goo walkthrough related news are at:

Translation wiki closing down 16 Mar 2013 | 03:51 pm
Soultaker has written to let me know that the World of Goo translation wiki will be closing soon. With the game out for more than four years, and the last major translations updated in 2010, I think o...
Little Inferno launches - and InfernoFans too 19 Nov 2012 | 01:58 am
Little Inferno officially launched today on Wii U and PC. And to mark the occasion, we've also launched - head over there for information and news about the game going forward (and let...
More world of goo walkthrough related news:
World of Goo Demo Links for PC and Mac 6 Nov 2008 | 12:34 pm
I've uploaded the demo of world of goo in PC and Mac format Download them from: World of Goo Demo 1.0 DMG file MAC World of Goo Demo 1.0 PC
How to Change World of Goo Screen Resolution 6 Nov 2008 | 12:14 pm
If you'd like to change the screen resolution of World of Goo you can edit the config file. This is located at: C:\Program Files\WorldOfGoo\properties\config.txt Edit this file to set your desired s...
World Of Goo Video Walkthrough - Now Complete 28 Oct 2008 | 10:43 am
I think I have covered every chapter and every level now. I've added some navigation links on each page to make finding the OCD video you want a lot easier. If anyone has any suggestions or comments p...
World of Goo Achievements With Videos and Pic - Thanks to Marius 28 Oct 2008 | 10:28 am
Thanks to Marius for sharing his World of Goo achievements. Some videos and pictures on the site too!
World of Goo 2 Nov 2008 | 07:51 pm
World of Goo is a physics based puzzle / construction game. The millions of Goo Balls that live in the beautiful World of Goo don’t know that they are in a game, or that they are extremely delicious. ...
Слухи: World of Goo в скором времени появится на Android 5 Oct 2011 | 08:17 am
В ближайшее время на Android появится одна из популярнейших казуальных игрушек. Ждём. Надеюсь старичок Huawei u8230 потянет.
World of Goo para Android 2 Apr 2012 | 06:18 am
iTester: World of Goo 23 Apr 2011 | 05:59 pm
W App Store znajdziemy całą masę bezpłatnych aplikacji: bez problemu możemy je ściągnać i wypróbować samemu. Kiedy jednak trzeba już za nie zapłacić, sprawa ma się zupełnie inaczej. Jeśli zastanawiali...
Jogos experimentais: Blueberry Garden e a maldição dos jogos Indie 18 Oct 2009 | 02:38 pm
A maioria deve conhecer Braid. Ou World of Goo. Ou Audiosurf. Ou Aquaria. Ou Gish. Ou Crayon Phisics. E quem conhece sabe que esses jogos, mesmo não sendo adeptos da mecânica ou da temática, são jogos...
La Vergüenza de Piratear Contenidos Solidarios… 13 May 2010 | 06:22 pm
‘The Hundle Indie Bundle’ es un pack disponible por tiempo limitado que incluye seis videojuegos independientes, muy bien considerados entre la crítica: ‘World of Goo’, ‘Aquaria’, ‘Gish’, ‘Lugaru HD’,...