Most wp super cache plugin related news are at:
Wordpress отключить автоматическое сохранение 16 Nov 2011 | 08:30 am
Добрый день, я недавно заметил, что база одного из моих сайтов “весит” 15 мбайт, с учет того, что в ней 40 записей. Это очень много, я решил разобраться, найти причины и понять как отключить сохран...
WP Cumulus “живое облако тегов wordpress” русифицированный 4 Jul 2010 | 01:16 am
Наверное, бороздя просторы Интернета, вы часто встречали красивое облачко тегов, медленно крутящееся и ускоряющееся при наведении. Данный плагин привлек и мое внимание, и после нескольких минут пои...
More wp super cache plugin related news:
Common Errors: WP Super Cache Not Working with eCommerce Gallery? 11 Mar 2011 | 12:27 pm
Is your shopping cart page not updating when you make edits or checkout ? This can easily be resolved by configuring your WP Super Cache plugin to prevent it from caching your Shopping Cart page. To...
How to Setup MAXCDN With Wp Super Cache Plugin 11 Aug 2012 | 05:30 pm
Hi Bloggie Every time we talk about speeding up WordPress blog, one of the most recommended tip is to setup CDN on your blog. Setting up CDN for the first time sounds like a rocket-science but in r...
WordPress Optimization Guide users - Security vulnerability in the W3TC & WP Super Cache plugins Be sure to update! 25 Apr 2013 | 12:16 am
WordPress Optimization Guide users - Security vulnerability in the W3TC & WP Super Cache plugins Be sure to update!
WP Super Cache, guía para optimizar y acelerar tu WordPress 21 Mar 2012 | 06:55 am
WP Super Cache, guía para optimizar y acelerar tu WordPress WP Super Cache forma parte de la lista de plugins indispensables en toda instalación WordPress. En comparación con su contraparte W3Total C...
“警告!PHP セーフモードが有効になっています!” が消えない:ロリポップ 26 Apr 2011 | 11:44 pm
WP Super Cache の設定中に “警告!PHP セーフモードが有効になっています!“ というメッセージが表示されることがあります。 こちらのメッセージは PHP セーフモードを OFF [...]
Setup WORDPRESS MU with WP Super Cache & FURLS on NGINX: VPS BIBLE ... 19 Feb 2012 | 01:19 pm
In this how-to guide we set up WordPress MU on Nginx ... is to create a database, add a domain zone with a wildcard ... If you do, here’s how to add subDomain…
WP Super Cache 几个程序漏洞 23 Sep 2011 | 02:08 pm
这几天,小博的空间不太稳定,经常抽风。 昨天博客突然打不开,一直找不到原因,最后把Debug模式模式打开后,发现原来是WP-SuperCache突然出错,导致整个博客都显示空页面……把我吓出一身冷汗。 到家后,查看了服务器的error-log,我NND,足足有8M,里面大多为PHP Notice警告。 警告内容主要是一些老旧的插件在WP升级了2.8之后,仍在使用一些兼容性的函数所致,将这些插...
WordPress Plugin – WP Super Cache – How to blog load faster 4 Feb 2012 | 05:49 am
WordPress Plugin – WP Super Cache | How to blog load faster and get better Google Search Engine Rankings. WP Super Cache is such a wonderful WordPress Plugin which can really make blog load faster. Ev...
WP Super Cache + APC Opcode Cache = Websites instáveis 1 Nov 2011 | 02:36 am
Tenho vindo a utilizar o WP Super Cache ao longo dos anos, e sem qualquer tipo de problema até agora. Na semana passada fiz uma migração de alguns projectos para uma nova máquina e o meu “combo” deixo...
Do the caching plugins make the popup plugins unusable? 15 Sep 2010 | 09:34 am
Maybe you’re not aware that if you install on your blog a caching plugin like Wp Super Cache or W3 Total Cache, your popup plugin will become totally unusable and stop working! As you probably know, ...