Most xbmc remote android related news are at:
Die Seite wird vorerst eingestellt 13 May 2012 | 06:40 am
Seit Monaten habe ich hier nichts mehr veröffentlicht. Das liegt nicht daran, dass es aus dem Androidlager nichts zu erzählen gäbe - im Gegenteil! Da sich seit einiger Zeit aber Beruf und Hobby immer ...
Video: Android Ice Cream Sandwich auf dem Nexus S 30 Sep 2011 | 12:46 am
Neue Android-Version geleakt - zumindest kurzfristig. Auf eBay hat jemand ein Nexus S gekauft, auf dem bereits Googles Ice Cream Sandwich vorinstalliert war. Der Nutzer hat davon gleich ein zweiminüt...
More xbmc remote android related news:
XBMC Remote - Windows Phone 7 18 Aug 2011 | 01:46 pm
It's here! I've finally published my first Windows Phone 7 App. If you're a previous reader of my blog, you may have noticed that I'm avid XBMC supporter. I run XBMC on several machines in my house in...
Remote Android Mouse v2.31 5 Jan 2012 | 10:34 pm
Remote Android Mouse v2.31 Requirements: Android 2.1+ Overview: The best remote Android mouse and keyboard out there. AndroMouse converts your phone into wireless mouse, keyboard, and more. Connection...
XBMC für Android 15 Jul 2012 | 03:00 pm
XBMC wurde vollständig auf das Betriebssystem Android portiert und wird den selben Umfang bieten wie die normale PC-Version. Zusammen mit einem Partner wird es auch eine kleine Android-Box geben, die ...
XBMC Remote - Windows Phone 7 18 Aug 2011 | 09:46 am
It's here! I've finally published my first Windows Phone 7 App. If you're a previous reader of my blog, you may have noticed that I'm avid XBMC supporter. I run XBMC on several machines in my house in...
XBMC para Android tem primeira versão beta publicada 4 Dec 2012 | 09:04 pm
O XBMC é hoje a mais completa, robusta e versátil solução de software para integração de computadores a sistemas de mídia, em ambientes como salas de home theater. Sou entusiasta dessa aplicação desde...
XBMC para Android tem primeira versão beta publicada 4 Dec 2012 | 09:04 pm
O XBMC é hoje a mais completa, robusta e versátil solução de software para integração de computadores a sistemas de mídia, em ambientes como salas de home theater. Sou entusiasta dessa aplicação desde...
Developers always welcome…. 7 Mar 2013 | 03:25 pm
Thanks for visiting us. n2News is always looking to meet new developers and work with them to help further the integration between XBMC and Android with the included idea of bringing Ubuntu into the ...
XBMC Remote for iPhone and Android 21 Mar 2013 | 09:07 pm
It's been a while since I posted an article and that's because I have been busy working on my pet project - a jQuery Mobile based web remote for XBMC for use on your phone, tablet and desktop. It is ...
Control Your Android from Your Desktop with 3CX Remote Android Desktop 10 Apr 2013 | 01:27 am
3CX Remote Android Desktop is a free Android application that allows users to control their Android device from their browsers LONDON, 8 April 2013 – 3CX, developer of the award-winning Windows VoIP P...
Is there a TV or XBMC remote with heavy social? eg… 1 Jul 2013 | 07:53 am
Is there a TV or XBMC remote with heavy social? eg. Like a show, movie, scene, album or song. If live TV, like an ad. Serious potential.