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Yo! Sushi 25 Dec 2009 | 12:01 pm
Classics Miso Soup (V) 1.5 Chicken Teriyaki 7 Salmon Teriyaki 5.5 Chicken Yakitori 5.5 Salmon & Asparagus Yakitori 4 Pumpkin Korroke 2 Chicken Katsu 5.5 Salmon & Aonori Katsu 6 Prawn Katsu 3....
40% off at YO! Sushi 12 Jan 2010 | 01:02 am
Photo by MR+G Student favourite YO! Sushi are currently offering an excellent 40% off. Conditions This offer is only valid for up to ten plates and it doesn’t cover miso, drinks, takeaway or delive...
Ramen Vs Hunger – News from Yo Sushi 16 Nov 2012 | 09:17 pm
Ride a bicycle in South East Asia for a year and you are likely to spend many a happy meal hunched over a steaming bowl of noodle soup. Clean, warming and great value, a bowl of ramen noodles has stat...
A Week Through Instagram #68 6 May 2013 | 11:37 pm
Yummy find at Tesco. Lime and mint juice. Random supermarket run, I buy junk when I'm shopping alone... Oreo Ice-Cream cone, so good! Pate panini and yoghurt. Main focus for the week. Yo-Sushi l...
L’iPad bientôt indispensable au restaurant ? 10 Jun 2013 | 07:54 pm
Dans certains restaurants, on peut commander à l’aide d’une tablette Surface ou d’un iPad. Mais chez Yo Sushi, on a poussé le concept un peu plus loin. On peut en quelque sorte se faire servir par un ...
Yo! Sushi – Gatwick 8 Sep 2012 | 01:10 pm
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Доставка заказов в ресторане по воздуху 24 Aug 2013 | 12:33 am
Попытку заставить официантов грустить о тяжелой доле и искать новую профессию, взамен старой, никому не нужной, делает британская сеть японских ресторанов. В одном из заведений YO! Sushi в центре Лонд...
Hospitality employees name the best places to work 1 Aug 2013 | 01:21 pm
Shortlist Revealed for’s Best Employers in Hospitality Awards 2013 Yo! Sushi, QMH, Salt Yard Group, One Aldwych, Harbour & Jones, Jamie Oliver’s Fifteen Cornwall, Peach Pub Company and Yo...
(Video) Restoran YO! Sushi Guna iTray (Dulang Terbang) 11 Jun 2013 | 07:29 am
Macam-macam perkara dilakukan untuk menarik ramai pelanggan ke restoran dan salah satu cara dilakukan oleh sebuah restoran di Britain iaitu YO! Sushi ialah dengan menggunakan iTray (dulang terbang). ...
Yo! Sushi: lietuvių gastarbaiteris Londone skanauja japoniškus skanėstus 7 Aug 2013 | 10:42 pm
Pradėkime nuo to, kad aš visą savo gyvenimą nemėgau nei žuvies nei ryžių. Visokius ikrus valgiau irgi tik todėl, kad jausčiausi geresnis už kitus. Valgymas pagaliukais man yra pernelyg komplikuotas, n...